Rak Gudang / Racking System/ Storage System / Pallet Rack
Racking System or Storage System or Pallet Rack System. We understand your warehouse rack need. We design and manufacture and implement the racking system in your warehouses to meet your highest satisfaction. The racking system can be customised based on customer requirement. Also the racking system are painted with powder coating system that will guarantee that the racking system or storage system will last long time and protect from rust and humidity. The loading capacity of the racking system or storage system vary from 50 kilograms per compartment to 5 tonnes. There are: Drive in Pallet Rack, Selective Pallet Rack, Long Span Rack, Medium Duty Rack and Light Duty Rack. We also fabricate mezanine for higher storeys for your warehouse so your warehouse space can be maximised. Our brand is Maxi Trillion. We guarantee that our product durability meets your criteria. We do understand our customer need, Please call: + 62( 21) 6592822 or ( 021) 6592326 for further racking system advice. Please visit our website at http: / / rakgudang.net