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CV Puregan - Makmur jaya ' ' Sehat dgn Green coconut oil puregan"

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PUREGAN OIL ( GREEN COCONUT OIL) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Green Coconut oil ' Puregan Oil 100% HERBAL COMBINATION WITH TYPE - TYPE spices from VARIOUS: LEAF leaves, roots, BAR, BIRD NEST GINSENG & Coconut Oil WALET.Green THIS IS OUR ANCESTORS BY APPLICABLE hundreds of years ago.

BENEFITS: applied: Reduce heat, treat dekubitus, measles, skin burnt, dental swelling, leg swelling, redness of skin bruising, bluish, clean & treat wounds that have not healed, soften rough skin, chapped lips, cracked feet , into the wind, the network revive a dead body, accelerating out measles.

Di oles wear Rule:

1. Burns, apply coconut oil green oil ' puregan gets a new burn wounds, your hands will not be pus ( pus) .

2. Injured ( cut) : take 3 pieces of betel until finely ground and mixed with coconut oil green oil and the wound gets placed, if the wound rather large but does not require stitches can be a bandage if the wound had to get stitches, during the healing process in scars stitches, during the healing process can scar stitches in green apply coconut oil.

3. Red sores, black, blue bit rot ( dead tissue / necrosis) , which has long does not heal: take oil coconut oil geen ' puregan' then wound smeared with oil they will be. For the healing process can take several days for the process to revive the network a dead body. If, on the bone cuts are then needed more time for the healing process.

4. Treat DEKUBITUS ( wounds on his back on the usual reply hospitalization of patients suffering in hospital & patient paralyzed) and then take the puregan oil spread throughout other parts of the back & dekubitus injured or to apply on the prevention of injury-prone dekubitus / ulcers.

5. CHILD measles, spread throughout the body to get out measles and children heal quickly.

6. Black hair & not fork: puregan to rub oil all over her hair let a few hours then rinse with warm water. This oil can also be overcome dandruff.

7. For beauty: get enough oil and pour into a small dish and brush on the face of the whole body benefits of healthy skin, slow aging, prevent skin cancer, skin moisturizing, skin tightening.

8. Can also be used for massage reflexi & massage your entire body, your body will feel very comfortable and felt healthy after a try.

9. Chapped lips, apply to the lips 3 times daily in a short time your lips will also be back to normal for the broken leg.

10. Preventing Calcification, apply every day for health, especially for parents who are elderly, after a bath in the morning & evening apply throughout the body.

11. Can also be used as a drug fractures, usually done by tabit fractures.
12. Gums, teeth were swollen, apply to the swollen gums once every few hours to recover.

13. Very good for babies to children not stunted body growth and endurance increases children, spread throughout the body of a child in the morning & evening.

14.for hot boy: take 1 piece of cut lemon squeezed and mixed with 5 tablespoons of coconut and green in spread to the entire body of children ( from head to soles of the feet) & let the kids break

15. This oil can speed up the healing process of skin cell tissue and bone injuries or broken bones. Pasian is ideal for new hit and suffered broken bones in the process of treatment every few hours apply once the bone gets broken or crushed.

1. 150 ml = Rp.75.000/ bott
2. 300 ml = Rp.135.000/ bott

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