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CV Puregan - Makmur jaya ' ' Sehat dgn Green coconut oil puregan"

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luka bakar, kena air panas, panas kenalpot, tergores, jatuh, kaki bengkak, gusi bengkak , luka dekubitus
Price150 ml Rp.75.000/botol , 300 ml Rp.135.000/botol 50 ml = Rp.35.000/botol semprot
Quantity Order: Add to Basket
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
Pack. & DeliveryBottle

1. Burns, HOT WATER taxable, taxable Kenalpot heat, burn, immediately apply ' oil puregan just gets burned wounds, these wounds will not be pus ( pus) and the scar would be disguised.

2. Injured ( cut) : take 3 pieces of betel until finely ground and mixed with oil and then placed puregan gets injured, when a rather large wound requiring stitches, but not be bandaged, if the wound had to get stitches, during the healing process can scar stitches in green apply coconut oil.

3. Fester, Take clean rivanol fester until the pus is removed after it was rubbed oil, let it open and try not to get wet. a few hours once again apply oil to Puregan wound heal quickly. in the day to do the cleaning again berikutnnya like biasannya and apply more oil until puregan dry wound. if the injury had healed do continue to spread only puregan oil without cleaning again with revanol, manfaatnbya to scar quickly lost ( no scars)

3. Red sores, blackish, bluish rather rot ( dead tissue / necrosis) that have not healed, cured & puffy: oil take coconut oil geen ' puregan' then wound smeared with oil they will be. For the healing process can take several days because the process is started network back a dead body. If, on the bone cuts are then needed more time to the process of healing old penyembuhan.Biasanya vary per person.

4. Treat DEKUBITUS ( usually reply dipunggung wounds suffered hospitalization of patients in the hospital) take green coconut oil ' purgan' in spread to all other parts of the back & dekubitus injured.

5. Fell, scraped the pavement, clean the asphalt cuts rivanol / 70% alcohol until clean, then take a cotton puregan oil and rub on the wound and do not miss out on the bandage or cover with fabric to dry quickly wound. It took several days for the wound dry., if you want to leave the house to be a bandage on the wound is not infected with germs & try not to get wet once the wound is completely dry. if the wound is kept dry rub oil puregan not to leave scars. ( Warning do not peel force injuries that were dry just let the wound dry until it terkupas own)

6. Swollen feet, rub her swollen feet gets sorted to the top gently massage not too strong as she stroked her fingers, then rub some more swollen it gets to this puregan oil seep into the skin and swelling to treat bone injuries collision or blow etc..

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