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 Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Formula Tanaman Kopi ( Coffee Fertilizer)  Sell:Mesin Pembuat Kompos Rotary Klin Manual ( RKM 1000L)  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix®   Specific Fertilizer  Sell:Mesin Produksi Kompos Elektrik RKE 2000L  Sell:Mesin Produksi Kompos Elektrik RKE 1000 L]  Sell:Alat Pengolah Sampah Hand Rotary  Sell:Pupuk Formula Sawit ( Palm Oil Fertilizer)  Sell:Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Mente  Sell:Pupuk ( 20 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Biji [ Peas & Beans Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk Kompos Padat Green Phoskko® ( GP 3)  Sell:Pupuk ( 20 Pack ) Gramafix® Buah [ Fertilizer For Fruits ]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Kacang [ Fertilizer For Legum ]  Sell:Pupuk NPK Gramafix® Padi  Sell:Pupuk ( 20 Pack) Gramafix® Tanaman Hias [ Ornament Plant Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk ( 20 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Daun [ Leafy Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack ) Gramafix® Sayuran Umbi [ Fertilizer for Root Crops ]  Sell:Pupuk Organik Granul ( 1000 kg) Green Phoskko® ( GP 6)  Sell:Pupuk kompos Organik Cair ( PKC) Gramafert®  Sell:Paket Mesin IPKK ( Instalasi Produksi Kompos Kota )  Sell:Penggembur ( Bulking Agent ) Kompos Green Phoskko® [ GP 2 ]  Sell:Aktivator Green Phoskko® Dekomposisi Kompos  Sell:Komposter Elektrik Biophosko® KE 100L  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® Compost Bin [ L ]  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® Compost Bin [ M ]  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® Compost Bin [ S]  Sell:Pemupukan Spesifik Lokasi  Flexible Formula Fertilizer  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Jagung [ Corn Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Karet   Compound Fertilizer for Rubber Tree  Sell:Pupuk Formula Gramafix® Kakao   Cocoa  Specific Fertilizer  Sell:Memupuk Tanaman Cengkeh   Clove Fertilizing  Sell:Mesin Pengayak Kompos   Compost Screener Machine 
Contact Information

Mr. Armus Arifin [Director/CEO/General Manager]


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Y!: brand_mngr 
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Phone number of Mr. Armus Arifin at Padang

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Mobile number of Mr. Armus Arifin at Padang

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Fax number of Mr. Armus Arifin at Padang


Jl Gajah Mada No 2 Simpang Tinju (Kandis)
Padang 25134, Sumatera Barat

Kantor Pusat : Jl Pungkur 115 B Bandung 40251, Telpon Kontak: + 62-22-4262235- 4262253, HP + 62-811208648- 81572527115
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Company Info
Registration Date: May. 24, 2023, Last Updated: Oct. 21, 2011
Business Nature: Trade, Service of Agriculture category

Company Brief

Technology tablets and mixing ( granulation compound) is useful in supporting local programs of fertilizer which is based on the specific conditions of appropriate soil fertility conditions and soil fertility level customers. And the ability to serve the various planters, after success with the fertilizer composition of flexible ( Gramalet  ® ) , since 2003 to develop all compound fertilizer tablet with nutrient composition ( formula) is specifically produced per plant ( Gramafix  ® ) .

In the provision of fertilizer to consider the needs of these plants, so plants do not get too many nutrients. Too little or too much food substances can be harmful to plants. Thus, the preparation of each plant nutrients are important steps for effective and efficient fertilization. In order to ensure that fertilizer formulas on the market in accordance with the plans and calculations for the plants, all kinds of NPK fertilizer required by the government through the provision of solid SNI mandatory.

In regard to improving the credibility of the quality of fertilizer ( product) , through a joint program with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Indonesia in the years 2003, CVSK company has passed the certification and the use of SNI mark ( required for the affected products as SK-SNI shall Menperindag No.140 / MPP / Kep / 3 / 2002) . In addition to the acquisition of SNI, Sinar Kencana now has 11 permit circulation of Formula ( Registration No. Fertilizer from the Ministry of Agriculture RI) - as regulated by Decree of the Minister of Agriculture Decree No. 09 / Kpts / TP.260 / 1 / 2003. These regulations refer to Regulation No. 8 TH 2001 and Law No. 1992 of 12 TH Plant Cultivation.

In a controlled release compound fertilizer industry ( PMLT) This CVSK is a pioneer in Indonesia in formulating fertilizer contain complete nutrien, Gramalet ® . Fertilizers produced and formulated at the factory level tablet form. With a wide choice of sizes tablets and 3 grams of compound fertilizer and compound fertilizer tablets 10 grams. Each fertilizer tablets consist of macro nutrient content of NPK ( Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) , secondary nutrient enriched fertilizer elements ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro Essential include copper, Chlor, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum, iron ( Mo, Co , Mn, Fe, B, Bo, Cu, Zn, Cl) . Slow-release fertilizers are chemical fertilizers that are similar to organic fertilizers. Absorbed by plants as needed, to not pollute the environment.

Realizing that in the future, chemical fertilizers ( inorganic) - as a non-renewable natural materials ( unrenewable) will be increasingly reduced availability, as well as, on the other hand, there is a health awareness of the importance of natural food ( organic) - since 2004, CVSK develop fertilizer technology biological and organic and also develop a tool-making waste and organic waste into compost. Various machine tool capacity sewage treatment and waste composter include manual ( type S, M, L) , electric composter household scale ( KE 100L type) , machine tool and the enumerator organic composter large capacity in the form of Rotary Kiln.

In order to support sustainable agriculture and eco-friendly, introducing technology CVSK provision of organic fertilizer ( compost) . CVSK has managed to isolate microbial decomposers and garbage ( probiotics) and various minerals for the continuity of modern composting, hygienic and quick. Microbial decomposers are compost activators Green Phoskko ® ( GP-1) and mineral bulking Green Phoskko  ® ( GP-2) . For the continuity of effective and efficient decomposition, developed machine tools ( composter) Biophosko  ® whether the household scale, and environmental scale Rotary Kiln scale commercial business. Compost is very beneficial for the hobbies and park managers in making compost by using raw materials derived from domestic waste or, for entrepreneurs to get business - which produces faster than manage waste in homes, factories, markets or apartment environment. In fact, for the cities that have problems with waste disposal ( landfill) , BioPhosko  ® will help reduce the waste completely from the source or location of the waste ( families or households, restaurants, malls, markets, factory canteen, vegetable markets and hotels .) For large scale, are also available Klin Rotary machine tool with a choice of waste processing capacity of 1 m3 ( 1 / 3 Ton) / 5 days, 3 m3 / 5 day equivalent of 1 ton to 6 m3 ( 2 Ton) / units / 5 days.

Bandung, July 2009


Sonson Garsoni
+ 62- 81572527115
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