Oil Film Detector ( Explosion Proof) Model : SODL-1600 Brand : DKK-TOA
The model SODL-1600 is a flame-proof type oil film detector.
This model monitors a water surface for the presence of an oil film floating on the surface. The instrument p r o j e c t s a l a s e r b e a m o n t o t h e w a t e r s u r f a c e a n d measures the differences in the reflection between water and oil.
Improved optical design and continuous scanning laser system enable the Model SODL-1600 to offer improved
oil detection even for non-ideal water surfaces such as those with bubbles present.
� A robust aluminum-cast housing enables a flame-proof structure.
� Non-contact detection by laser beam. Instrument not affected by water level variations within 0.3� 3m range.
� S c a n n i n g l a s e r b e a m s y s t e m p r o v i d e s e n h a n c e d
detection even under difficult surface conditions such as the presence of floating debris, bubbles or curved oil
� Scanning system contains no moving parts reducing power consumption and increasing reliability.
� Fast signal processing and short pulse cycle of laser beam provides excellent detection ability even on water
surfaces with ripples and waves.
� A single transmitter can control up to two detectors ( optional) .
Product Name : Oil Film Detector ( Flame-proof version
Model Code : SODL - 1600
Explosion-proof : System Model Code ; SODL-1600
Type : Transmitter Model Code ; SCWM-160-8, Detector Model Code ; SODL-160U
Measurement Object : Oil slick floating on water surface or dry surface ( floor)