PSM Group ( Privo Sakurazy Medtecindo Group )
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PSM Group ( Privo Sakurazy Medtecindo Group )
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Dr. PSMGROUP A.Md.,SE.,drh.,ISI.,WR.,Lc.,MBO [Marketing]
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Phone number of Dr. PSMGROUP A.Md.,SE.,drh.,ISI.,WR.,Lc.,MBO at Surabaya
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Mobile number of Dr. PSMGROUP A.Md.,SE.,drh.,ISI.,WR.,Lc.,MBO at Surabaya
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Fax number of Dr. PSMGROUP A.Md.,SE.,drh.,ISI.,WR.,Lc.,MBO at Surabaya
Graha Gayatri Jl. Dharmahusada Dalam No. 18 - 20
Surabaya 60132, Jawa Timur
http: / / pub/ psm-group/ 26/ b97/ 82a
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PSM Group Best Ware House Pharmaceutical - Drugs - Injection - Vaccines - Farmacy Supplier ( TOP )

Price : TERMURAH Rp 25,- until unlimited / Tab - Caps

PSM Group
http: / /

1. Pharmaceutical
2. Drugs
3. Farmacy
4. Export - Import Product
5. Tender
6. Minimal Order Rp 500.000, -

Ask Merk, ....
PSM Group Animal Clinic Dokter Naturophaty and Veterinary ( Dokter Hewan ) House Call Panggilan Surabaya Indonesia International Near Terdekat ( TOP )

Price : Rp 50.000,00 ($7 USD) - Rp 1.000.000,00 ($110 USD) / Services / Control

PSM Group 1724 " Health and Therapy"

" Penyembuhan Penyakit Manusia dan Hewan tanpa Pembedahan / Operasi"

Recipe Legal " PSM....
PSM Group Construction ( TOP)

Price : TENDER (Front Payment 75%) or with Agreement

PSM Group International Contruction
* * * * * Start on Scetsa / Blue Print / Pictures Art

1. Building ( Wood, Stone, Iron, Steel, etc,
2. Installation ( Water, Electrical, ....

Price : Rp 450,- /Kg ($ 1 USD / Kg)


From :
1. Cattle,
2. Poultry,
3. Sheep.

Fertilize permanent cage upon which and was growthed of agriculture crop, garden, golf course etc....
PSM Group Tour - Travel - Hotel - Outbound ( TOP)

Price : Rp 100.000,00 - Rp 100.000.000,00 / ($ 15 USD - $ 15.000 USD) (Packet)

PSM Group Hotel and Outbound

Served :

1. Outbound,
2. Natural Lover,
3. Mountaineering,
4. Trainning, Pramuka,
5. Trainning, Pegawai,
6. Seminar, Ilmiah,
PSM Group Animal' s Cemetery ( Pemakaman Hewan) ( TOP)

Price : Rp 20.000,- / Kg ($ 3 USD / Weight)

Animal' s Cemetery

1. General Cemetery,
2. Special Cemetery with Stone Sign

Burning Farm with Agreement:
1. Poultry,
2. Cattle,
3. Sheep,
4. Pigs,
5. etc
PSM Group ASIMILANO Booster of Growth Plant ( TOP)

Price : Rp 35.000,- ($ 3USD)/500 ml

PSM Group ASIMILANO Booster of Growth Plant

Probiotic for Plant

Agent and Consultation :
DR. Nuky Rusianto, A.Md., SE., drh
Contact Person:
PSM Group Animal' s Cage - House Construction ( Rumah Hewan) ( TOP)

Price : Conditional (Sesuai Permintaan dan Bahan Dasar)

Animal' s Cage and House

1. Dogs Cage - House,
2. Cats Cage - House,
3. Poultry Cage - House,
4. Cattle Cage - House,
5. Pigs Cage - House,
6. Sheep Cage - House,
PSM Group Electronic ( TOP)

Price : Rp 100.000,00 - Rp 1 Trilliun / Services

We have Trillion of Data of Electronic and Mailling List in all the world pass the LEGAL BODY / LEGALIZATION Organization
" BEVY of YOUNG MAN CARE THE IDE ( Internet of Data....
PSM Group FROZEN MEAT ( Daging Segar - Beku) ( TOP)

Price : Rp 55.000,00 - SNI / PARTY UU VETERINARIAN

Meat and Eggs From :
1. Cattle,
2. Poultry,
3. Sheep.

* * * * Not Traditional Market

* * * * Not Traditional Market

* * * * Not Traditional Market

* * * * Not....
PSM Group Animal' s Reguler Control ( Pemeriksaan Rutin Hewan) ( TOP)

Price : Rp 20.000,- ($ 3 USD) You Come - Rp 50.000,- ($7 USD) Home Services (TOP)

Animal' s Reguler Control

1. Cor diagnose,
2. Skin diagnose,
3. Nutrition diagnose,
4. Blood diagnose,
5. General diagnose,
6. etc

Agreement @ 2 weekly
PSM Group Animal Salon ( Animal' s Grooming) ( TOP)

Price : Rp 75.000,- ($ 8 USD) / Packet

Grooming your dog is a illness make a difference only as most as itâ � � s a coming matter. The following apparatus have been standard showering activities which all dog owners....
PSM Group Bio John ( Dry Fermentor) ( TOP)

Price : Rp 50.000,- ($ 5 USD)

Function :
1. Increase Smell faeces / WC
2. Powder on faeces / WC

Include :
Best Micro Bacteries

Contra Indication :
No Danger
PSM Group BIO EN CURCUMA ( Probiotik ) ( Top)

Price : Rp 15.000,- ($ 2 USD) / liter

Bio En Curcuma ( Probiotik)
Function :
1. Mixer Consentrat,
2. Add Eat insting,
3. Mixer on 1 liter for 1 Ton faeces / WC

Danger :
Obstery Animal
PSM Group Vaksinasi Hewan ( Animal' s Vaccination) ( TOP)

Price : Rp 75.000,- / Rp 100.000,- / Rp150.000,- ($8 USD / $12 USD / $17 USD) /Packet

Animal' s Vaccination

Dogs and Cats:
1. Anti Rabies,
2. Anti Distemper,
3. Anti Parvo,
4. Anti Toxo,
5. etc
PSM Group ASIMILANO Builder of Performace ( TOP)

Price : Rp 35.000,- ($ 3 USD)/500 ml

PSM Group ASIMILANO Builder of Performace

Probiotik Supplement Breeding Farm
Increase productifity and kwantity Farm
1. Cattle,
2. Poultry,
3. Pet Animal.

Agent and....
PSM Group BIO TINJA ( Fermentor ) ( Top)

Price : Rp 15.000,- ($ 2 USD) / liter

Bio TINJA ( Fermentor)
Function :
1. Mixer Faeces / WC,
2. Increase Bad Smell Faeces / WC
3. Mixer on 1 Liter to 1 Ton Faeces / WC

Include :
Best Micro Bacteries

PSM Group White Mouse & Hamster ( TOP)

Price : Rp 15.000,00 - Rp 150.000,00

PSM Group White Mouse & Hamster
PSM Group White Mouse & Hamster
PSM Group White Mouse & Hamster
PSM Group White Mouse & Hamster
PSM Group White Mouse & Hamster
PSM Group International Foundation ( TOP)

Price : Rp 5.000,00 - Rp 5.000.000 / Semester

Legalization of Foundation
( education institution, Health and Social PSM Group International)
Notary Deed : Retni Natalia, SH., M.Hum
No. 1. Oct' 19, 2009
SK : 430/ 208/ ....
PSM Group Hotel Pet Animal - Hewan - Near - Terdekat ( TOP)

Price : Rp 25.000,00 - Rp 100.000,- / day

PSM Group Hotel Pet Animal - Hewan - Near - Terdekat ( TOP)
PSM Group Hotel Pet Animal - Hewan - Near - Terdekat ( TOP)
PSM Group Hotel Pet Animal - Hewan - Near - Terdekat ( ....
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