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PSB ( PLASMA SUPER BIOTIK) - CV. Plasmatech Consulting

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PSB ( PLASMA SUPER BIOTIK) - CV. Plasmatech Consulting
PSB ( PLASMA SUPER BIOTIK) - CV. Plasmatech Consulting
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    2.	 PSB Green khusus untuk tanaman musiman misalnya,  padi,  cabai,  tomat,  sayur- sayuran,  juga tanaman tahunan misalnya karet,  sawit,  ,  mangga,  cengkeh,  jati,  kelengkeng,  durian,  rambutan,  sengon,  dan lain-lain. Membantu pertumbuhan,  penguatan akar,  dll

    2. PSB Green khusus untuk tanaman musiman misalnya, padi, cabai, tomat, sayur- sayuran, juga tanaman tahunan misalnya karet, sawit, , mangga, cengkeh, jati, kelengkeng, durian, rambutan, sengon, dan lain-lain. Membantu pertumbuhan, penguatan akar, dll

    for distributor on call / pm
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    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
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    botol plastik 550 ml
    PSB PSB Green is a product manufactured specifically for seasonal and annual plants are very suitable for agriculture, especially rice, corn, cassava, peppers, tomatoes, onions, and various kinds of vegetables and fruits, annual crops such as rubber, palm, mango, clove , teak, kelengkeng, durian, rambutan, sengon, etc.
    Grenn PSB extraction plants using fermentation technology to get the various species of microbes, in the process requires certain conditions such as using non-synthetic nutrients, natural water, temperature, pH and moisture, and others. So we get proper species of high microorganism species, for example Azospirilium content ( cfu / ml) is 2, 850, 000, 000, 000 or 2.85 x10 ranks 12th, while Rhizobium 2.2 x10 rank 13, Azotobacter 3.05 x10, rank 11, Psedomonas 7 , 5x10 rank 12, rank 12 Selulotik 9.0 x10 1.7 x10 Lactobacillus rank 9, the MPF ( type of microbe decomposers phosfat) 5.0 x10 rank 9.
    As for how the PSB Green is, microbes contained by the PSB Green will work optimally if it is splashed or sprayed less fertile ground or soil has nutrients difficult unravel caused by chemical fertilizers and chemical insecticides, the microbes that break down the elements- these nutrients, so nutrients in the soil around it back to normal. Because Green is one of the main content of PSB-degrading microbes ( Decompuser) . Bacteria that are good / molC ( mikroorganismelokal) was minimal due to chemical insecticides, so plant rice and plantation crops become unhealthy, growing less than the maximum, with the release of microbes that exist in the PSB, the land will be rich with the microbes that plants need , such as the type of microbial inhibitor N ( Nitrogen) , decomposers, micro and macro nutrients. Plants are like humans, too, needed enzymes and nutrients that are useful for the development of roots, stems leaves and fruit, with microbes that are owned by the PSB Grenn, enzyme / hormone for plants can be produced to the fullest. In particular, natural green PSB besrfungsi:
    a. Improve soil structure will naturally fertile soil so that the macro and micro elements easily absorbed by the roots
    b. Stimulates root growth, root cause of many branches so that the nutrients are absorbed more optimal
    c. Widen and strengthen the leaves, so that the maximum photosynthetic
    d. Increasing resistance of plants and diseases that suppress seranganhama
    e. Increasing nutrient content and nutrient content of plants
    f. Improving crop yields in quality and quantity
    g. Reduce to 50% of chemical fertilizers and chemical fertilizers gradually reduced to 3 seasons.
    h. Environmentally friendly

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