GDM is a 100 % organic fertilizer that contains 7 most-useful bacteria to optimize the growth of plants and animals. It was invented by an agriculture scientist in china and incorporated in Blitar....
we are the distributor of GDM organic fertiliser in bali
Our Products: 1 Fresh Guano Organic Fertilizer 2 Guano Super Phosphate Fertilizer 3 Guano Organic Fertilizer Liquid Info :
http: / / watch? v= 1DbMbrPp_ Sk
Integrated fertilization in plants including rice paddy fields on the combination of organic and inorganic nutrient inputs at once. The objective is the attainment of integrated fertilizer rice....
Making agriculture ( in the broad sense) as the main business field, since 1994, CVSK working on introducing technology agricultural fertilizer compound fertilizer industry through flexible formula....
Fertilizer is a material that is added to the growing media and plants to provide for the necessary plant nutrients so that they can produce well. In the provision of fertilizer to consider the needs....
GramaletĀ ® fertilizer composition is formulated in a flexible based land fertility conditions. Formulation is based on an understanding of the needs of agricultural crops and Indonesia to the....
GO GO Grow Nutri Leafs, are the bamboo mud leaf. Made from dryed bamboo leaf' s processed with fermentation system used lactobacilus bactery. Have the unique tecture and composition and have....
SediniĀ ® Green Tea Satisfied result and benefit had felt by people who has consume SediniĀ ® Green Tea. Composition : Each 100 gr of Green Tea contains 24 gr Protein, 10, 6 gr Fiber, 35, 2 gr Sugar....
CV Kencana Prima founded at 1995 at Bandung City that was most popular as " paris van java and flower city" . For the reason to expand marketing areas, we open representative office at Bali. The other....