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rss RSS: Organic - Others - Iran > Khuzestan
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Vanamei Shrimp/ sea shrimp/ jellyfish/ anchovy/ Surimi Fish/ Shrimp Breaded  Jul. 30, 2015 18:23:02

We are processors and exporters of seafood in Iran. jellyfish , ribbonfish , eel fish , cuttlefish , surimi fish, seafood cooking fish finger, fish burger, fish nugget, shrimp burger, hilsa fish, ....

Supplier: MARJAN Seafood Company. [ABADAN, Khuzestan, Iran]
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  • rebar-sheets-iron ore  Dec. 15, 2008 3:19:57

    Dear sir; ; we are vafaservices co. are able to supply all the products mentioned in our profile , plz if u have any inquiry, dont hesitate to contact us. thank you vafaservices group

    Supplier: vafa services co [AHWAZE-, Khuzestan, Iran]
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