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rss RSS: Chemical Reagent - Brazil > Santa Catarina
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eletronic lung ventilator PR4-G  Oct. 26, 2011 6:59:28

Ventilation modes ADULT / PEDIATRIC Assist-controlled VCV Assist-controlled PCV PSV / CPAP SIMV ( VCV) + PSV Back-up ventilation ( VCV) Back-up ventilation ( PCV) NEONATAL Continuous flow ....

Supplier: Leistung Equipamentos LTDA [Jaragua do Sul - Brasil, Santa Catarina, Brazil]
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    Since its foundation in Jan/ 97, the Exporting Commercial EXPORSELL and Import Ltda, inscribed in the CNPJ 01.645.188/ 0001-98 and State Registration 254.864.945, comes if projecting in the....

    [Jaragua do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil]
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