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Agen Pen Quran

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Agen Pen Quran
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Agen Pen Quran


Pena specifications
A. Able as an MP3 player ( Mp3 Player)
2. Built in microphone that can record sound with clear
3. Built in speaker so that it can be heard without a headset ( speaker Laud)
4. Built-in Audio ports for listening to the reading pen with a headset or external speakers
5. There are shortcut buttons to navigate between: revive and turn off the device, the volume settings, the navigation between Qari, navigation, language translations, audio record and play sound files.
6. There is a usb port that lets you back up data, add translation files, as well as save any data ( functioning as a Flash Disk)
7. Built in rechargeable batray
8. Available translation files ( audio) additional languages: Chinese, Farsi, French, Bangladesh, Posto ( Aghfanistan) , and Urdu ( Pakistan)
specifications manuscripts
A. Size 13 x 19 cm by 2.5 cm thick
2. Sharp color prints using paper art papper
3. Different color prints between words, making it easy to learn
4. Red mold on the word of God and Lord, so hopefully foster a sense of exaltation of the essence clause.
5. There are shoctcut reciter names, translation options, Play & Pause, Volume Settings, and sound recording settings option shortcut word for word reading.
6. Reading of the word, paragraph, or the translation simply touching words or paragraphs that referred to, without having to navigate to first page, as the Quran Mushaf another pen.
Get well
Reading the Quran DVD $ 175 Thousand
This method is specially formulated for those of you who have not been able to read Al-Quran. You will learn:
A. Letter master Hijaiyyah in 15 Minutes
2. Punctuation mastered in the Al-Quran
3. Signs Long-master
4. The letter is written to master but not read
5. How to Read God lafadz
6. way Waqof
7. Basic Tajweed
1 Million prices do not include postage

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