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ORBIS/ LatinAmericanPartnersuip

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ORBIS/ LatinAmericanPartnersuip
ORBIS/ LatinAmericanPartnersuip
Welcome to
ORBIS/ LatinAmericanPartnersuip


We are Agents for international business trade , with particular attention to our development on the interaction with hispanic entrepreneurs worlwide for their businesses, with the Asian markets.

We want to participate in the efforts of businesses and projects, applying concepts of marketing and sales management, for these modern times

Our current location is Japan ...from where coordinate activies with our international partners, with independent executives or the consultant especializing in the themes, that surrounding us.

Emphasize the careful observation of your target business, considering all the factors, to recomend the most convenient options, optimizing the main factor of your interest.

We operated since October 2009, in aplying concepts from our work experience in Asian Companies. We are a young company envolving, appreciate the great confidence of our customers, with the same gratitude undertake forward or new responsabilities.

Good and honest management, strengthen the business reputation. For the ORBISmembers, this is our main priority.

If you have among their objectives these business horizons, with us you can join forces to strengthen their projects within the current dynamics global markets.

Thanks very much for your kind consideration.

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