Fix Z Angkur Stud RAMSET[Jul. 14, 2011 2:02:54]
Fix Z Angkur Stud RAMSET
Fix Z Angkur Stud RAMSET function for Cracked and Non-Cracked Concrete.
Fix Z RAMSET Stud anchor is Angkur to the actual size, it expands with torque control and the ability to " Pull Down" for permanent pengangkuran in cracked and non cracked concrete.
Usually the common applications include the:
- Installation of the machine.
- Bracket for the faç ade.
- Structural steel beams and columns.
- All load and cable tray.
- Installation of pipes and air-conditioning vents.
The advantages of Z Angkur Fix Stud RAMSET are:
1. Ability " Pull Down" to pengangkuran safe.
2. Clip stainless steel expansion of high-quality A4.
3. 6 scours for pengangkuran better on concrete.
4. Clip legs 3 to inflate better
5. Been tested for fire resistance.