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Name:Mr. erkan boran [Administrative]
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. erkan boran at ankara
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. erkan boran at ankara
ankara 06580, Ankara
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Mar. 24, 2009
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Health & Beauty category

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With the help of the latest technology, throughly researchs and qualified employees, we produce the most reliable sanitary napkin and panty liners for ladies. Myped offers you great protection and locks away the light urine loss, moisture and odour with itâ € ™ s excellent absorbency during the days of your period. Individual wrap specialty of the sanitary napkin and the panty liners enables the user to carry the product away conveniently. We permanently work on developing our products and increasing the variety for ladies to pass through their menstruation with no worries.

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