pH METER - CONDUCTIVITY METER - THERMOMETER HD2156.1 AND HD2156.2, Merk : DeltaOhm[Aug. 28, 2009 6:43:11]
The HD2156.1 and HD2156.2 are portable instruments with a large LCD display. They measure pH, mV, redox potential (ORP), conductivity, liquid resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity using combined 4-ring and 2-ring conductivity/temperature probes. Temperature only is measured by Pt100 or Pt1000 immer-sion, penetration or contact probes.The pH electrode calibration, as well as manual, can be carried out on one, two or three points and the calibration sequence can be chosen from a list of 13 buff-ers. The probe calibration can be performed automatically in one or more of the 147¼S, 1413¼S, 12880¼S or 111800¼S/cm conductivity calibration solutions. The HD2156.2 instrument is a datalogger. It memorizes up to 20,000 sets of three measurements composed of pH or mV, conductivity or resistivity or TDS or salinity and temperature: these data can be transferred from the instrument connected to a PC via the multi-standard RS232C serial port and USB 2.0. The storing interval, printing, and baud rate can be confi gured using the menu. The HD2156.1 and HD2156.2 models are fi tted with an RS232C serial port and can transfer the acquired measurements to a PC or to a portable printer in real time.The Max, Min and Avg function calculates the maximum, minimum or average values. Other functions include: the Auto-HOLD function and the automatic turning off which can also be disabled.The instruments have IP67 protection degree.
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) 185x90x40mm
Weight 470g (complete with batteries) Materials ABS, rubber
Display 2x41D2 digits plus symbols Visible area: 52x42mm
Operating conditions
Working temperature -5…50°C
Storing temperature -25…65°C Working relative humidity 0…90%RH without condensation
Protection degree IP67
Power Batteries 4 1.5V type AA batteries
Autonomy 200 hours with 1800mAh alkaline batteries
Power absorbed with instrument off 20¼A
Mains Output mains adapter 9Vdc / 250mA
Security of memorized data Unlimited, independent of battery charge conditions
Date and time Schedule in real time Accuracy 1min/month max error Measured values storage - model HD2156.2
Type 2000 pages containing 10 samples each
Quantity 20,000 sets of three measurements com-posed of pH or mV, Ç or © or TDS or salinity and temperature.
Storage interval 1s…3600s (1hour)Serial interface RS232C
Type RS232C electrically isolated
Baud rate Can be set from 1200 to 38400 baud
Data bit 8 Parity None Stop bit 1
Flow Control Xon/Xoff
Serial cable length Max 15m Immediate print interval 1s…3600s (1hour)
USB interface - model HD2156.2
Type 1.1 - 2.0 electrically isolated
Connections pH/mV input
Female BNC connector
Conductivity input 8-pole male DIN45326 connector
Serial interface and USB 8-pole MiniDin connector
Mains adapter 2-pole connector (positive at centre)
Measurement of pH by Instrument Measurement range -2.000…+19.999pH
Resolution 0.01 or 0.001pH selectable from menu
Accuracy ±0.001pH ±1digit Input impedance >1012©
Calibration error @25°C |Offset| > 20mV Slope > 63mV/pH or Slope 106.5% or Sensitivity < 85%
Measurement of mV by Instrument Measurement range -1999.9…+1999.9mV
Resolution 0.1mV
Accuracy ±0.1mV ±1digit
Drift after 1 year 0.5mV/year
Measurement of conductivity by Instrument
Resolution with K cell=0.1 0.01¼S/cm in range 0.00…19.99¼S/cm Measurement range (K cell=1) Resolution 0.0…199.9¼S/cm / 0.1¼S/cm 200…1999¼S/cm / 1¼S/cm 2.00…19.99mS/cm / 0.01mS/cm 20.0…199.9mS/cm / 0.1mS/cm Accuracy (conductivity) ±0.5% ±1digit
Measurement of resistivity by Instrument
Measurement range / Resolution 4.0…199.9© / 0.1© 200…999© / 1© 1.00k…19.99k© / 0.01k© 20.0k…99.9k© / 0.1k© 100k…999k© / 1k© 1…10M© / 1M©
Accuracy (resistivity) ±0.5% ±1digit
Measurement of total dissolved solids (with coeffi cient Ç/TDS=0.5) Resolution with K cell=0.1 0.05mg/l in range 0.00…19.99mg/l Measurement range (K cell=1) / Resolution 0.0…199.9 mg/l / 0.5 mg/l 200…1999 mg/l / 1 mg/l 2.00…19.99 g/l / 0.01 g/l 20.0…199.9 g/l / 0.1 g/l Accuracy (total dissolved solids) ±0.5% ±1digit
Measurement of salinity
Measurement range / Resolution 0.000…1.999g/l / 1mg/l 2.00…19.99g/l / 10mg/l
Accuracy (total dissolved solids) ±0.5% ±1digit
Automatic/manual temperature compensation 0…100°C with ±T that can be selected from 0.00 to 4.00%/°C
Reference temperature 20°C or 25°C Ç/TDS conversion factor 0.4…0.8
Cell constant K (cm-1) 0.1, 0.7, 1.0 and 10.0
Standard solutions automatically detected (@25°C) 147 ¼S/cm 1413 ¼S/cm 12880 ¼S/cm 111800 ¼S/cm Measurement of temperature by Instrument
Pt100 measurement range -50…+200°C
Pt1000 measurement range -50…+200°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Accuracy ±0.25°C
Drift after 1 year 0.1°C/year
HD2156.1K: The kit is composed of: instrument HD2156.1, KP30 electrode, SP06T conductivity/temperature combined probe, TP87 temperature probe, 4.01pH and 6.86pH buffer solutions, conductivity solution 12.880¼S/cm HD8712, connection cable for serial output HD2110CSNM, 4 1.5V alka-line batteries, operating manual, case and DeltaLog9 software. Other pH electrodes, conductivity and temperature probes must be ordered separately.
HD2156.2K: The kit is composed of: instrument HD2156.2 datalogger, KP30 electrode, SP06T conductivity/temperature combined probe, TP87 temperature probe, 4.01pH and 6.86pH buffer solutions, conductivity solu-tion 12.880¼S/cm HD8712, connection cable for serial output HD2101/USB, 4 1.5V alkaline batteries, operating manual, case and DeltaLog9 software. Other pH electrodes, conductivity and temperature probes must be ordered separately.
HD2110CSNM: 8-pole connection cable MiniDin - Sub D 9-pole female for RS232C.
HD2101/USB: Connection cable USB 2.0 connector type A - 8-pole MiniDin (not suitable for HD2156.1K).
DeltaLog9: Software for download and management of the data on PC using Windows 98 to XP operating systems.
AF209.60: Stabilized power supply at 230Vac/9Vdc-300mA mains voltage.
S’print-BT: On request, portable, serial input, 24 column thermal printer, 58mm paper width.
pH Electrodes
KP20: Combined pH electrode, gel-fi lled, with screw connector S7, body in Epoxy, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl.
KP30: Combined pH electrode, cable 1m, gel-fi lled, body in Epoxy, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl.
KP60: Combined pH electrode, 1 diaphragm, gel-fi lled, with screw connector S7, body in glass, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl.
KP61: Combined pH electrode, 3 diaphragms for milk, cream, etc. gel-fi lled, with screw connector S7, body in glass, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl.
KP62: Combined pH electrode, 1 diaphragm for pure water, paints, etc. gel-fi lled, with screw connector S7, body in glass, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl.
KP70: Combined pH electrode, micro diam. 6 x L=70mm, gel-fi lled, with screw connector S7, body in glass, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl.
KP80: Combined pointed pH electrode, gel-fi lled, with screw connector S7, body in glass, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl.
CP: Extension cable 1.5m with BNC connectors on one side and S7 on the other side for electrode with S7 connector.
CE: Screw connector S7 for pH electrode.
BNC: Female
BNC for electrode extension.
ORP Electrodes
KP90: REDOX PLATINUM electrode, with screw connector S7, gel-fi lled, body in glass.
pH Buffer solutions
HD8642: Buffer solution 4.01pH @25°C - 200cc.
HD8672: Buffer solution 6.86pH @25°C - 200cc.
HD8692: Buffer solution 9.18pH @25°C - 200cc.
Redox Buffer solutions
HDR220: Redox buffer solution 220mV 0.5 l.
HDR468: Redox buffer solution 468mV 0.5 l.
Conductivity probes Please see the order codes reported in the probes’ technical specifications.
Standard conductivity calibration solutions
HD8747: Standard calibration solution 0.001mol/l equal to 147¼S/cm @25°C, 200cc.
HD8714: Standard calibration solution 0.01mol/l equal to 1413¼S/cm @25°C, 200cc.
HD8712: Standard calibration solution 0.1mol/l equal to 12880¼S/cm @25°C, 200cc.
HD87111: Standard calibration solution 1mol/l equal to 111800¼S/cm @25°C, 200cc.
Temperature probes
TP47.100: Direct 4 wire Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 230mm. 4 wire connection cable with connector, length 2 metres.
TP47.1000: Pt1000 sensor immersion probe. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 230mm. 2 wire connection cable with connector, length 2 metres.
TP87.100: Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 70mm. Connection cable 4 wires with connector, length 1 metre.
TP87.1000: Pt1000 sensor immersion probe. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 70mm. Connection cable 2 wires with connector, length 1 metre.
TP47: Only connector for probe connection: direct 4 wire Pt100, 2 wire Pt1000.