The HD2010 is a precision integrating portable sound level meter, with data logging
functions, performing both spectrum and statistical analysis. The instrument has been designed combining maximum flexibility and simplicity. Attention has been paid to the possibility of adjusting the instrument to regulatory modifi cations and to the necessity of meeting its usersâ needs of today and tomorrow. The HD2010 can be integrated with other options to extend its application scope at any time; the firmware can be directly updated by the user by means of the DeltaLog5 program ( supplied with the instrument) .
Technical characteristics HD2010 and HD2010RE
Standards Class 1 group X according to IEC 61672: 2002 and class 1 according to IEC 60651: 2001 and IEC 60804: 2000
Class 0 according to IEC 61260: 1995
Type 1 or 2 according to ANSI S1.4-1983 and S1.43-1997
Class 1-D, order 3, Extended range according to ANSI S1.11-1986
½ inch Microphones MK221 condenser microphone prepolarized ( 200V) , for free field, high stability, type WS2F according to IEC 61094-4.
MK223 condenser microphone with coated membrane, polarized ( 200V) , for free field, high stability, type WS2F according to IEC 61094-4
( combined with the HDWME950 weatherproof unit) .
MK231 condenser microphone, polarized ( 200V) , for diffuse field, high stability, type WS2D according to IEC 61094-4.
Dynamic range 21 dBA ÷ 143 dB Peak
Linear Field 80 dB ( 110 dB for the HD2010RE version)
Acoustic Parameters Spl, Leq, SEL, LEP, d, Lmax, Lmin, Lpk, Dose, Ln
Frequency Weighting Simultaneous A, C, Z ( only C and Z for Lpk)
Temporal Weighting Simultaneous FAST, SLOW, IMPULSE
Integration From 1s to 99 hours with Back-Erase function
Spectrum Analysis Parallel filters in real time complying with class 1 specifications according to IEC61260
Octave bands from 16 Hz to 16 kHz
â Third Octaveâ option
Third octave bands from 16 Hz to 20 kHz
Average spectrum ( AVR) mode
Statistical Analysis It displays up to 3 percentile levels for, L1 to L99
â Advanced Analyzerâ option
Probability distribution and percentile level calculation from L1 to L99
Parameter: A, C or Z weighted, LFp, Leq, Lpk ( only C or Z for Lpk)
Sampling frequency: 8 samples/ second
Classification: Classes of 0.5 dB
Analysis of Events â Advanced Analyzerâ option
Calculation of 5 freely programmable event parameters
Average spectrum calculation by octave and third octave bands
Calculation of statistical levels from L1 to L99
Event identification trigger with programmable threshold and duration filter
External and manual trigger.
Reverberation Time
( optional)
The reverberation time measurement option requires the â Third Octaveâ option
Reverberation time measurement using sound source interruption or impulse response integration
Profile Data Logging 1 profile with programmable sampling from 1/ 8 s to 1 hour and 3 profiles with 2 samples/ second
Spectrum Data Logging Programmable sampling from 1 second to 1 hour ( AVR mode)
Display Backlit graphic display 128x64
3 parameters in numeric format
Profile LAFp with 8 samples/ second
Octave band spectrum from 16 Hz to 16 kHz
â Third Octaveâ option
Third octave band spectrum from 16 Hz to 20 kHz
â Advanced Analyzerâ option
Graph probability distribution of sound level
Graph of percentile levels from L1 to L99
Memory Internal, equal to 4 MB ( 4 profiles for 23 hours or over 23 days recording 3 parameters + spectra per minute) . Expandable to 8 MB
External, via the HD2110MC memory card interface, using MMC or SD cards up to 2 GB
Input/ Output RS232 serial and USB interfaces
AC output ( LINE)
DC output
PC Programs DeltaLog5: PC interface for download, setup and sound level meter management ( supplied with the instrument)
DL5 Environment: For analyses according to the Decree of 16.03.98
DL5 Monitor: For real time acquisition in the PC mass storage, scheduler, audio recording
DL5 Building: Room acoustics evaluation in agreement with D.P.C.M. of 05.12.97 ( it requires the â Third Octaveâ and â Reverberation Timeâ option)
DL5 Noise Studio: Analysis modular program
â Worker protectionâ : Analysis module according to Decree 195/ 2006
â Railway Trafficâ : Analysis module of train noise profiles according to the Decree of 16/ 03/ 1998
Operating conditions Working temperature -10÷ 50° C, 25÷ 90% RH ( without condensation) , 65÷ 108kPa. Protection degree: IP64
Power 4 alkaline or rechargeable NiMH type AA batteries or external 9÷ 12Vdc 300mA
Dimension and weight 445x100x50 mm equipped with preamplifier, 740 g ( with batteries)