Registration Date: Jan. 13, 2009 - Last Updated: Feb. 8, 2012
Business Nature : Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Consumer Electronics category
Company Brief
* * * CV. Media Technology * * *
Dealer / Supplier GARMIN GPS, Survey Equipment, Telecom Equipment, tools or mining geological survey, survey and other equipment such as GPS, Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level, Kompas, Digital Theodolite, Binoculars, Clinometer, Digital Planimeter, and equipment -- Geology tool.
Main products that we offer is ALAT SURVEY, ALAT TELECOMMUNICATION & GARMIN GPS. We present to you that may need the product is to help you work better in life or in the day, for you who work in the field of Surveyor or work that may require accuracy, speed and akuratan to complete the work in you and your project, we offer a solution for the job / project you are doing. Because generally GPS and survey equipment in artikan as speed, accuracy, position and time.
Brand-headed with the Brand that has been popular and has been recognized in the world keberadaanya survey are: SOUTH, Topcon, NIKON, Sokkia, GARMIN, Suunto, HORIZON, Bushnell, Brunton, etc..
Products We Offer As:
2. Geodetic GPS: Trimble, LEICA, Spectra, SOUTH
4. Digital Theodolite: Sokkia, NIKON, Topcon, HORIZON, SOUTH
5. Automatic LEVEL / WATERPASS: Sokkia, NIKON, Topcon, HORIZON, SOUTH
6. KOMPAS: SUUNTO, Brunton
9. Distometer: LEICA
10. GEOLOGICAL TOOLS: Estwing, Brunton, DQL
* * Total Station Series
Total Station Nikon DTM-352, Total Station Nikon DTM-362, Total Station Nikon DTM-532, Total Station Nikon DTM-632, Total Station Nikon DTM-652, Sokkia Total Station SET-310, Sokkia Total Station SET-510, Total Station Sokkia Set-610, Total Station Topcon GTS 233N, Total Station Topcon GTS 235N, Total Station Topcon GTS 236N, Total Station Topcon GTS 239, Total Station Horizon HTS 352, Total Station Horizon 355, Total Station South.
* Digital Theodolite Series *
Nikon Digital Theodolite NE-100, Digital Theodolite Nikon NE-101, Digital Theodolite Nikon NE-102, Digital Theodolite Nikon NE-103, Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-210, Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-510, Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-610, Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-202L, Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-205L, Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-207L, Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-209L, Digital Theodolite Horizon ET 1002, Digital Theodolite Horizon ET 1005.
* Automatic Level / Waterpass Series *
Automatic level / Waterpass Nikon ac-2S, Automatic level / Waterpass Nikon ax-2S, Automatic level / Waterpass Nikon as-2c, Automatic level / Waterpass Nikon ap-8, Automatic level / Waterpass Nikon ap-7, Automatic level / Waterpass Sokkia b1c, Automatic level / Waterpass Sokkia b20, Automatic level / Waterpass Sokkia b21, Automatic level / Waterpass Sokkia c320, Automatic level / Waterpass Sokkia c330, Automatic level / Waterpass Topcon ATG 1, Automatic level / Waterpass Topcon ATG 3, Automatic level / Waterpass Topcon ATG 4, Automatic level / Waterpass Topcon ATG 6, Automatic level / Waterpass Horizon 2028, Automatic level / Waterpass Horizon 3032, Automatic level / Waterpass Horizon 4032.
* For Garmin GPS Handheld *
GPS GARMIN etrex Hi, GPS GARMIN 60i, GPS GARMIN etrex Summit HC, GPS GARMIN Etrex Vista hcx, GPS GARMIN 60 csx, GPS GARMIN 76 csx, Rino 530 GPS GARMIN hcx, GPS GARMIN colorado 300i.
GARMIN * * For Automotive
GPSMAP 276 C, GPS Nuvi 200i, GPS Nuvi 200w, Nuvi 600 GPS, GPS Nuvi 710.
GARMIN * * For Marine
GPSMAP 276 C, GPSMAP 178 C Sounder, GPS 152i, Fishfinder 160 Ci, Fishfinder 400 C, 76CSx.
* For GARMIN Aviation And Others *
GPSMAP 96 C, GPSMAP 296 C, GPS 10 x Blue Tooth, GPS 18 Deluxe
Trimble Juno ST, Trimble Geo XT, Trimble Geo XH, Geo XM, GPS Thales Promark 3, GPS Thales Mobile mapper. GPS Triton 200, GPS Triton 300, GPS Triton 400, GPS triton 500, GPS Triton 1500, GPS Triton 2000
* Geodetik GPS ( Geodetic) *
South GPS star S82, GPS South 9600, Spectra Epoch 10 L1 GPS system, Trimble GPS 5700, Trimble R8-GNSS.
Magellan GPS * *
GPS Magellan Triton 200, GPS Magellan Triton 300, GPS Magellan Triton 400, GPS Magellan Triton 500, GPS Magelan Triton 2000, GPS Magelan Triton 1500.
* Handy Talky ( HT) Series *
Handy Talky Icom V-8, Handy Talky Icom V-82, Handy Talky YAESU VX 6R, Handy Talky YAESU VX 7R, Handy Talky YAESU VX 3R, Handy Talky Motorola GP-2000, Handy Talky Mtorola GP 308, HT motorola GP338, HT motorola GP in 2500, Handy Talky Motorola GP328 etc..
* * Accesories
Handlebar mount ( Etrex series, 60 Csx, 76 Csx) , Carrying case, the data cable RS-232 ( Etrex Series, 60 Csx, 76 Csx) , power cable ( 60 Csx, 76 Csx) , chigarette lighter + Kabel data ( Etrex Series , 60 Csx, 76 Csx) , auto mount ( Etrex Series, 60 Csx, 76 Csx) , cd tripwaypoint manager, cd bluechart ( chart) , City navigator indonesian ( digital map) , Memory Data Card 32 MB, Memory Data Card 64 MB, Memory Data Card 128 MB, Memory Data Card 256 MB, Antena GA-25 BNC, Antena GA-25 MCX, Antena GA-26, Antena GA-27, GA-29 Antenna, Antenna Starnav.
* * Surveying Tool
Distometer Leica a3, a5 Distometer Leica, Leica Distometer A6, A8 Distometer Leica, Estwing E322p ( geology hammer taper) , Estwing e320blc ( geology hammer flat) , Compass Suunto kb-14, Kompas Suunto kb-20, Altimeter E-203, clinometer pm-5, Suunto Tandem, Brunton Compass 5006, Kompas Brunton 5008, Brunton Compass 5010, Binoculars / Nikon 7x50 binoculars cfwp / with Compass, Binoculars Hunter 10x60, Loupe rouper 10x20, Eart Grounding tester, Planimeter, Magnetic pen / Scriber, Nylex 1000 Rain gauge.
* * Telecommunication Equipment
Ber Test Sunlite E1, Sunset STT, Sunset SDH, Sunset MTT, etc. Patch chord.
- Garmin GPSMAP 76 CSx
- Garmin GPSMAP 60 CSx
- Theodolite Topcon DT-209L.
Service area:
We serve all orders from Indonesia. Postage variatif city depends on the goal. Please message and product and do a confirmation via email / telp / chat online.
Shipping costs depend on your area introduction of goods and services used.
Charges we will indeed confirm to you via email / telp / chat online. Allow us to service areas outside DKI Jakarta Titipan Kilat TIKI use, you can check the cost kirimnya in or other appropriate service delivery to your request.
Freight Express ( the same day) for the region JABODETABEK served with the purchase confirmation before 12: 00 WIB Contact us at 021 68981882. Because of the limited schedule, not all of our Express can serve.
Via Bank Transfer * *
Goods will tell us after the transfer / transfer of the evidence we received. If you want the goods sent immediately without waiting for the bank transfer, please fax proof of your transfer to us at 021-7341681 / 7340997 or email sales konsultant serving, can be assisted to accelerate the process of delivery of goods.
Payment is transferred to the account:
Bank: BCA
No. Rek. : 476.10.10012
a / n: Edis Nasihin
Bank Mandiri
No.Rek: 128.000.4786973
a / n: Faridiah Ratih Triwahyuni
Bank BNI
No.Rek: 014.413.1789
a / n: Faridiah Ratih Triwahyuni
Bank Mandiri USD
No.Rek: 155.00.0943604.2
a / n: Faridiah Ratih Triwahyuni
* Cash On Delivery ( COD) *
Special nuntuk Jabotabek area we also serve the purchase of the Cash On Delivery. You receive the goods, the new paid.
To Get Info & Rates Best, please Contact:
* CV. Media Technology *
Office: Jl. Shangrila Unit 1 No.94 Petukangan Selatan.
Jakarta - Selatan 12270.
Phone : 021 - 7341681
Fax : 021 - 7340749
" We make sure, we can help you to make you complete the work in " .
Major Products / Services
Seller :
- Repeater Motorola CDR 500 / / CDR 700
Repeater Motorola CDR 500 (UHF&VHF;)
Complete With :
- 2 Radio RIG Motorola GM 338
- 1 Duflexer
- 1 Basic interface / Controller
- Jumperkit
- Power Supply