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Mr. bahrul [Owner/Entrepreneur]
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Jl.Raya Batealit Rt.09 Rw.02 Bawu Jepara Indonesia
Jepara 59461, Jawa Tengah
Transfer Bank : a/ n. Bahrul Ulum Mandiri Jepara - BNI Jepara
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Kami menyediakan berbagai macam meja kursi tamu dari yang minimalis hingga ukiran dengan menjaga kualitas dan harga yang terjangkau.
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sroton jari MPB.087

Price : 3.300.000

guest chair / sofa minimalist sroton MPB.087 finger from teak wood with a beautiful design and sturdy construction is very beautiful for your main living space.
sroton jog MPB.088

Price : 3.300.000

guest chair / sofa minimalist sroton MPB.088 very beautiful jog to the living room of your house.
hub reservations: 085640528277
meja tebal
Large desk logs 10-12cm thick. very luxurious and elegant for the coffee table, dining table, or patio of your home.
Sofa Monako Ganesha

Price : 8.000.000

Sofa Monako Ganesha
Materials are solid teak and solid choice with a touch of finishing and quality foam seat looks luxurious and grand, making the living room of your house is....
Sofa Monako ganesa ukir Jambu MPB. 172

Price : 9.300.000

Monako Ganesha MPB 172 From solid teak and finishing melemine.
Kursi tamu engkel bunga

Price : 3.000.000

Guest Chairs ankle flower motif from teak wood selection and finishing melamine is perfect for your living room.
Kursi Kendang

Price : 1.100.000

Drum chair
suitable for living room, your family or living room.
made from teak wood and finishing melamine with color according to the order.
Kursi Tamu Sofa Romawi Inggris Mpb 170

Price : 7.500.000

Guest Chairs Roman Britain MPB.170
choice of teak strong and sturdy with melamine finish colors according to the order. very luxurious and majestic living room for your main.
kursi tamu betawi lenong

Price : 2.000.000

guest chair betawi lenong
Jepara teak furniture
teak wood, strong and sturdy
finishing melamine
Kursi Tamu Minimalis ukir Baygon

Price : 2.500.000

Guest Chairs Carved Minimalist Baygon of teak finishing options with suit color malamine your order.
Kursi Tamu Sofa MPB 978

Price : 4.500.000

MPB 978 Sofa processed from teak wood and finishing melamine color choices according orders
Kursi tamu sudut bunga

Price : 2.500.000

Guest Chairs corner flower motif
of materials and finishing teak wood fuel / melamine with a color according to order
kursi tamu madura bali MPB.084

Price : 3.200.000

madura bali guest chair from teak wood MPB.084 strong and solid choice to beautify your living room
Kursi Tamu Yuyu Sandaran Baru

Price : 1.800.000

Yuyu guest chair backrest of quality teak wood with a melamine finishing color according to your order.
Hub. 085640528277
Kursi Tamu Sudut Minimalis Jari

Price : 2.700.000

Minimalist Desk Chairs Corner
Of quality teak wood and a soft foam cushion with melamine finishing color, Luxury and charming furniture to complement your home.
Kursi Tamu Penari Serena MPB 065

Price : 4.500.000

Guest Chairs Dancer Serena processed from quality teak wood with a melamine finishing color customize your order.
Kursi Tamu Kepiting

Price : 7.000.000

Chairs Guest Chairs Model Crab crab is made of wood or joko kesit meh. For a setnya consists of 4 chairs and 1 table. Finishing using melamine.
Kursi Tamu Kartini MPB 077

Price : 2.700.000

Guest Chairs Kartini MPB 007 Using teak Krawang berkuwalitas with beautiful carvings and finishing melamine color customize your order.

Price : 6.000.000

Roman Wine MPB seat 136 guests Processed from teak wood with finishing and upholstery foam customize your order.
Information and Booking Contact: 085640528277
Romawi Jambu MPB 036

Price : 6.500.000

Seats 036 guests MPB Roman Processed Guava from teak wood with finishing and upholstery foam customize your order.
Information and Booking Contact: 08564052827
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