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Mr. bahrul [Owner/Entrepreneur]
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Jl.Raya Batealit Rt.09 Rw.02 Bawu Jepara Indonesia
Jepara 59461, Jawa Tengah
Transfer Bank : a/ n. Bahrul Ulum Mandiri Jepara - BNI Jepara
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New Balero 4 Kursi Makan
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Meja Makan Perancis MPB 385

Price : 3.800.000

French dining table 385 BPM
with 4 dining chairs are filled with typical Krawang Jepara carving. Luxury and charming to the dining room of your home.
Meja Makan Salina Bundar 4 kursi blok MPB 378

Price : 2.800.000

Salina dining table seats 4 seats round the block 378 of MPB-quality teak wood and melamine finishing.
Dijual Murah Meja makan limas MPB-388

Price : 4.400.000

The dining table pyramid MPB 388 with 6 seats. Processed from high quality teak perhutani with classy melamine finish will add elegance your dining room.
Meja Makan Minimalis Kawung 4 kursi

Price : 2.000.000

Minimalist Dining Table Chairs Kawung of quality teak wood and finishing melamine colors according to your order
Meja Makan Balero Kotak 6 kursi

Price : 2.600.000

Minimalist Dining Table Balero Box ( 6 + 1)
Choice of solid teak and strong by adding melamine finishing your dining room looks beautiful & your appetite increases.
Meja Makan Salina Gendong 6 kursi blok

Price : 4.500.000

The dining table seats 6 salina carrying blocks of teak melamine perhutani qualified by finishing order to adjust the color.
Almari Pajangan,  Bufet Kacang MPB 598

Price : 4.300.000

Nut sideboard, display Almari CDM 598. of teak and melamine finishing is very beautiful for your home decoration accessories.
Bufet TV BCA Jati Sono 2m

Price : 2.500.000

BCA TV sideboard blend of teak & sono rivet with a melamine finishing. The length of 2 meters
Bufet pajangan davinci selendang

Price : 4.500.000

Davinci dresser scarf shelf of teak wood with a melamine finishing color.
Bufet Manohara,  Almari Pajang Manohara

Price : 6.800.000

Display cabinet / sideboard Manohara
quality of teak ( TPK) with a color corresponding melamine finishing your order.
Bale Bale Kepang

Price : 2.100.000

Bale bale braid
of teak wood and foam cushioning quality, strong, sturdy and durable.
Finishing melamine according to the order.
Bale bale MPB 508

Price : 2.000.000

Bale Bale MPB-508 foam
Selected Teak wood with foam pads.
finishing melamine
bale bale rahwana

Price : 2.000.000

Bale bale / Bench Ravana of quality teak wood with a melamine finishing colors according to your wishes.
Almari Pakaian Pintu 3 Peluru MPB 324

Price : 3.200.000

Clothes cupboard door three bullets MPB.324
of teak and melamine finishing.
Hub. 085640528277
Almari Pakaian pintu 3 mawar MPB.353

Price : 3.000.000

3 door wardrobe clothing rose motif MPB.353
of teak and melamine finishing.
Hub. 085640528277
Almari Pakaian Pintu 3 Majapahit

Price : 3.200.000

Majapahit clothing cupboard door 3 of the material selection and finishing teak melamine.
Hub. 085640528277
dipan jati Peluru

Price : 2.500.000

Cots bullet filigree 180x200cm 245 BPM teak finishing with melamine colors corresponding order.
Hub. 085640528277
Tempat Tidur Rahwana Krawang

Price : 2.500.000

Bed Ravana Krawang
of teak wood finishing options and the use of melamine colors barking or customize your request.
Tempat Tidur Rahwana MPB 232

Price : 2.300.000

Beds, couches Ravana MPB.232
quality of teak wood with a strong and sturdy construction is perfect for your bedroom
Tempat Tidur Racoco

Price : 3.000.000

Cots RACOCCO Jepara Teak Furniture
Teak wood is strong and sturdy with Jepara carving and finishing melamine brown or in accordance barking orders.
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