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Name:Mr. Nadi Hatmojo [Marketing]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: s_endless@yahoo.com 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Nadi Hatmojo at cibinong
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Nadi Hatmojo at cibinong
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Nadi Hatmojo at cibinong
Address:Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 39
cibinong 16916, Jawa Barat
http: / / www.alibaba.com/ member/ id101018961.html
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:May. 6, 2010
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Textile & Leather category

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Company Brief

With over 32 years of experience in textile industry, PT Mayer Indah Indonesia has become a strong market leader and manufacturer with some significant improvement in technology in machinery and management.

PT Mayer Indah Indonesia s factory is located in strategic area, 30 minutes from Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia and the center of business transaction for the Indonesian global market. We are located in Cibinong, which can bring together 1000 local people as labors, and on the same time doesn t crowd the neighborhood.

Facing the strong global challenges, PT Mayer Indah Indonesia stays competitive by producing the finest quality along with timely delivery, and innovative designs. Our three key products are including:
1. Raschel
2. Embroidery
3. Laces

Our production facilities include warp knitting, embroidery, braiding lace, finishing& setting, and dyeing. Those facilities enable us to manufacture wide range of products, ranging from high quality Rachel lace ( narrow/ rigid lace, allover lace/ brocade, and curtain lace) , embroidery that includes trimming and allover lace, and braiding lace.

Our company delivers 90% of its world class products to domestic local market, and 10% to international market that we are working to expand.

In order to have continuous development of new creation in the fast pace world of fashion, we have dedicated our design department to generate innovative design and develop new ideas.
PT Mayer Indah Indonesia realizes importance of human resources development, as one of the company value: the people themselves. Competent people are given the opportunity to develop their skills and capacity at the company.

PT Mayer Indah Indonesia has always been carefully selected their suppliers of yarn and other raw materials to guarantee the finest standard quality of embroidery.
Moreover, the company sets up computerized embroidery machines in the production process along with our expert and skilled operators who control the machines. In addition, we always have experienced and well trained technician to maintain the computer.

At various stages of production process, PT Mayer Indah Indonesia has ensured to have comprehensive quality control system to deliver the best quality production that we can have.

Major Products / Services
  • Raschel, Embroidery & Lace products
    PT. Mayer Indah Indonesia & Afiliasi, yang berpusat di Cbinong-Jawa Barat adalah perusahaan yang secara khusus memproduksi produk-produk seperti kain bordir & warp knitting (brukat dan renda) sejak tahun 1973 dengan label nama yang lebih dikenal dengan Mayer Lace Brand.

    Fasilitas yang kami miliki meliputi mesin-mesin warp-knitting, bordir, renda katun, setting, penyelupan (warna), dan packing.

    Faslitas diatas memaksimalkan untuk memproduksi berbagai macam produk berkualits seperti: kain brukat, kain kebaya panel, kain katun bordir, kain tulle bordir, renda bordir, rend katun, renda raschel, dan vitrasi.

    Dengan komitmen penuh untuk menyediakan kepuasan kualitas dibawah naungan merek Mayer, maka kami memiliki produk yang bervariasi dari renda-renda (raschel, bordir, katun, jacquardtronic), kain brukat, tricot, net, sampai vitrasi.

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