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    Wanajava 3 in 1

    Wanajava 3 in 1

    Quantity Order:
    Pack. & Delivery:
    160 l
    Wanajava 3 in 1 ( pure honey + pollen + royal jelly)

    Wanajava 3 in 1 combines the benefits of pure honey with pollen coupled with royal jelly.

    Royal Jelly is a liquid form of jelly ( Gell) , the result sekreasi of young worker bees from the basic ingredients of honey and bee pollen are used for special food for the larvae and queen bee larvae prospective worker bees.

    Royal jelly has a nutritional content as follows:
    - Protein 50%
    - Carbohydrates 25%
    - Fat 16%
    - Minerals 2%
    - These vitamins include water 7%

    Honey Wanajava 3 in 1 combines the benefits of pure honey with pollen coupled with royal jelly. So as to produce the following benefits:
    - Digestion
    - Boost immunity
    - Counteracting radiation and chemical toxins in the body
    - Increase vitality and health of the body
    - Increase appetite
    - Improving intelligence
    - Skin care and beauty
    - As an anti-oxidant
    - Maintaining body balance
    - Reduce tiredness
    - Lowering cholesterol levels
    - Reduce physical stress and stress
    - Inhibit the aging process
    - preventing osteoporosis
    - Cure high blood pressure
    - Low blood pressure cure
    - Accelerate wound healing after surgery
    - Stimulate growth in children
    - Increase the intelligence of mind
    - Nourish the reproductive organs
    - Increase sexual desire
    - Strengthen kidney function and facilitate urine
    - As an anti-bacterial and prevent cancer
    - Functioning as an antibiotic in the body
    - Increase libido and sexual function
    - Safe for consumption by diabetics
    - Safe for pregnant women

    For more further information

    Call/ text:
    + 6224-70598828
    + 62856 2804 777
    - masaji_id@ yahoo.com
    - kresno.aji@ gmail.com

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