Specification :
Moving-iron meters EA16, EA17, EA19 and EA12 types are destined to measure a.c. voltage or a.c. current. They measure the true RMS value of a.c. voltage or a.c. current.
* direct measuring ranges:
o I = 100mA...100A,
o U = 6V...1kV,
* measuring ranges with external transformer:
o I = 1A...10 kA,
o U = 4 kV...250 kV,
* accuracy class: 1.5,
* exchangeable scales,
* for requirement
* meters can be made with additional setting pointer and/or the scale underlighting.
Moving-coil meters MA16, MA17, MA19 and MA12 types are destined to measure d.c. voltage or d.c. current and other physical quantities converted into a current or voltage standard signal.
Meters with built-in rectifiers can be used to measure a.c. voltage or a.c. current.
* direct measuring ranges:
o I = 40µA...25A,
o U = 60mV...1000V,
* measuring ranges with external shunts: I = 1A...15kA, (see our offer)
* accuracy class: 1.5,
* exchangeable scales,
* for requirement meters can be made with additional setting pointer and/or the scale underlighting.
Power factor meters FA32 and FA39 type are destined to measure the phase angle difference between the voltage and the current in 1-phase or 3-phase a.c. power networks. In three-phase network assymetrical loaded is demanded to use three meters se
* input voltage for system in 1 phase network: U = 100...500V,
* input voltage for system in 3 phase network symetrical load: U = 100...500V,
* input current: I = 1A or 5A, also to the co-operation with current transformer,
* measuring ranges:
0.5 cap...1...0.5 ind, 0.8 cap...1...0.2 ind, 0.85 cap...1...0.85 ind, 0 ind...1,
* accuracy class: 1.5,
* fixing in the panel.
Frequency meters CA32, CA37 and CA39 types are destined to measure voltage frequency in a.c. electrical power networks.
* input voltage: U = 60V...690V,
* accuracy class: 0.2 for measuring ranges:
48...52 Hz, 58...62 Hz, 140...160 Hz, 180...220 Hz, 380...420 Hz,
* accuracy class: 0.5 for measuring ranges:
45...55 Hz, 45...65 Hz, 55...65 Hz, 360...440 Hz,
* fixing in the panel.
Power meters PA39 type are destined for measurements of the active and reactive power in 1 and 3 phase power network.
* for measuring the active power in single-phase networks,
* for measuring the active power in three-phase three-wire and four-wire power networks, with balanced or unbalanced loads,
* for measuring the reactive power in three-phase three-wire and four-wire power networks,with balanced or unbalanced loads,
* with zero on the left side of the scale, for measuring the unidirectional power flow,
* with zero in the middle of the scale for measuring the bidirectional power flow.
* input voltage: U = to 690V, also for co-operation with voltage transformer,
* current input: I = 1A or 5A, also for co-operation with current transformer,
* accuracy class: 1.5,
* fixing in the panel.
IP65 protection grade in offered analog meter series: EA16, EA17, EA19, MA16, MA17, MA19, MA17P, MA19P, CA37, CA39, FA39, PA39.
Taking into consideration numerous inquires from customers, we would like to inform, that since January we can deliver above types of analog meters fulfilling IP65 requirements from the frontal face. Specially designed frames with a sealing enable the application of meters in very rugged atmospheric
Meters in IP65 casings are available in following overall dimensions: 48 x 48 mm, 72 x 72 mm, 96 x 96 mm.