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    Large size multicolour display DL21 with MODBUS interface

    Large size multicolour display DL21 with MODBUS interface

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    Specification :

    The three-colour DL21 numerical display is destined to display parameters: read out from external devices or given through RS-485.

    * The DL21 advantage is its three-color display (green, red and orange) on which the color of displayed parameter can be freely programmed and can change depending on values set by the user.
    * This display panel finds a large application in office rooms, public utilities (e.g. information about temperature, humidity), production halls – information about production machine state, number of made pieces, energy consumption) etc.
    * The DL21 display has two RS-485 communication interfaces in MODBUS standard destined to:
    - connect external devices,
    - configure the display or introduce displayed values.
    * The display enables the connection of 10 external devices and to apply it as a local point of data acquisition. It can co-operate with external devices as “master” or “slave”.
    * The basic execution of the display includes 3 digits and a space destined to place the unit.
    It is also possible to execute the display in the configuration definite by the user.

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