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Established end of 2007, We are well known as industrial logistcs support. Our Customer are many big industries along MM2100 Industrial park, jababeka Industrial park, Delta Silicon industrial park, Hyundai Industrial park, KIIC karawang till Kota bukit Indah cikampek.

We offer you for logistics solution as followed :

1. Air Freight
We provide you air freight delivery sevice for your export and import needs to and from all destination around the globe. We are ready to make business with you with our competitive rate and matching to all industrial needs
2.Sea freight
We provide you sea Freight delivery service for your export and import needs to and from all destination around the globe. We are ready to make business with you with our competitive rate and matching to all industrial needs
3. Custom clearance
Our staff is well known by industry may operate custom clearance with high level skill by fast and efficient as per
industrial needs. We have been estabilisihed good connection to custom officer for long time at Priok Port and
Sukarna Hatta Airport.All impossible will be possible in our hand.Supported facility such us INSW and Electronics data Interchange ( EDI ) settled well. We provide you custom consultant for all custom question any time you wish as our service to industry.
4. LCL consolidation
We have direct lcl consolidation to Port klang, Singapore, Bangkok, Hongkong , Australia and Great Britain. We are facilitated with supporting consolidation warehouse such us CDC ( export ) and dwipa ( import ) with our owned stevedoring company : Kargo distribution IndoRaya. We have been well known by industry as a good lcl consolidation operator since 1995. Our consolidation is supported by our owned office in overseas .
5. Personal effect
We are ready to handle your personal effect to and from Indonesia with proffesional , fast and accurate
6. Shipping Lines
We have liners division samudera lautan luas which make you sure to get space on vessel while booking and make you reach Import Delivery Order for custom faster than others
7. SOC Container
We have thousand of our owned container to make you sure that container will be accepted sooner at your industry
8. Domestics
We provide domestics service to Jabotabek and intercity/ interinsuler service along Indonesia

Those are our services to match your industry needs. We will develop with another service if we may make business with your industry.

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