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DaXingAnLing Lingoberry GROUP

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DaXingAnLing Lingoberry GROUP
DaXingAnLing Lingoberry GROUP
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    Lobelia Intiata Extract

    Quantity Order:
    Latin Name: Herba Lobeliae Chinensis
    Part of the Plant Used: Grass
    Product Specification : 4: 1
    Diuresis detumescence, qingrejiedu. Lobelia total alkaloid and powder, oral and infusions significantly and lasting diuresis function, the urine, sodium chloride and discharge volume were significantly increased, Lobelia alkali inhaled has expanded, muscle is bronchial spits effects on the nervous system, after the first excited inhibition, This decoction has resistance, oral have light snake, common pathogens diarrhoea, its alcohol preparations advantageous bravery boiled.
    MSN: chengyanfang01 At MSN Dot cn
    Skybe: lynncheng87
    Mail: jessica At nternational-biz Dot com

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