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Sumber Arum Abadi,  PT
SMS Member Indomonster SMS 12nd Year
Sumber Arum Abadi, PT
Contact Information
Ms. Nuri, Hanjar, Bpk Wijaya
Instant Messaging:
Google Talk:  sumberarumabadi@gmail.com  sumberarumabadi@gmail.com
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Y!: saa.lina 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Ms. Nuri, Hanjar, Bpk Wijaya at Surabaya
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Ms. Nuri, Hanjar, Bpk Wijaya at Surabaya
Surabaya, Jawa Timur
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" LOVE DOMESTIC PRODUCTION " Want to Buy Local production of Indonesia as Fume hood or Expert Offers quality We have dozens of experience as a supplier in government agencies, state enterprises, Water Drinking Industry, LPPMHP, Fisheries Departement, Environment Agency, Drinking Water Company , Oil Company, Cold Storage Plant, Food Beverage factory, etc. our company not only produces Fumehood but also among: Air shower, Colony Counter manual and Digital, Enkas, dry Oven, Oven, Water Bath, Rotator, Neutralizer Bak, Neutralizer Fume Hood, Rotator, chemical cupboard, Degestion, Denetralisasi Water, Laboratory Table, laboratory Tools, Laminar Air Flow, All Laboratory equipment, Biohazard Safety Cabinet, Orbital Shaker ETc, Sizes and materials can be ordered Consumers WITH MERK EXCELLENT, You is laboratory appliance and chemicals impor product, immediately contact To take care us " . PT. SUMBER ARUM ABADI is peripatetic legal distributor subdistributor supplier importir Laboratory appliance and chemicals in Surabaya east Java-Indonesia, With Brand As Follows : hardy diagnostics criterion USA, merck KGaA Germany, sigma aldrich USA, waters For HPLC Ireland, ridacount, copan italy, biooscientific, difco, bd, bbl, memmert, hirayama, atago, thermo scientific, thermolyne, funke garber, warring, hach usa, olympus, seedburo, all american, vwr, sibata, horiba, uetech, yellowline, wildco, takemura, ATCC gibson laboratories Inc., As-One, pyrex, brand, biohit, axygen scientific, AZ Taiwan, boeco germany, gast vacuum pump, optika italy Microscope, motic Microscope, interscience, hettich, and balance Japan, Ohaus Balances and Scale USA, mettler toledo balance USA, presica balance taiwan, kern balances germany, eppendorf, testo, velp scientifica, KNF neuberger, nabertherm vaccuum Pumps Germany, advantec toyo kaisha Ltd. Japan, kett Science And Sensing USA, eppendorf germany, hanna instrument, IKA, hanil centrifuge taiwan, kern balances germany, GFL water still USA, euro proxima b.v. belanda, neofilm neogen usa, sanita-kun japan, all amrican 25x usa, all american 50x usa, all american usa 75x dll
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