KJJ established in Jakarta, on 12-12-2012 and is legally established on May 16, 2013 based on Notarial Deed No. 88, which is in the process of ratification of Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia on the Ratification Deed COLLECTION and officially operating since May the same year
 Community Walking ( KJJ) a non-profit social organization engaged in soial, cultural and religious. KJJ organizations have shaped collection of Legal Entities of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.
 Doing touring Jabodetabek region to see social inequality in Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi and Tangerang. Doing inventorying and plan their formulation and problem resolution formats economic, social and keagaman is comprehensively based on local wisdom
 The activities include:
 Orphan Sponsorship
 Help the Dhuafa
 Improvement Places of Worship
 Disaster Emergency Response
 Empowerment of the Poor
 Concept and Implementation of CSR Program
 On the other hand KJJ always strengthen unity and strengthen the sense of family members. While helping to relieve members keluaga KJJ underprivileged. It' s a moving and caring KJJ capital