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    Bitter Melon P.E.

    Bitter Melon P.E.

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    Bitter Melon P.E.

    Latin name: Momordica Charantia Linn.
    Chinese name: Ku Gua
    Family: Cucurbitaceae
    Genus: Momordica
    Part used: Fruit
    Active ingredient: Charantin
    Molecular Formula: C42H62O16
    Molecular Weight: 822.92
    Appearance: Fine yellowish brown powdered solid
    Odour & Taste: Characteristic, bitter
    Solubility: Soluble in ethanol & water solution
    Test method: UV
    CAS No.: 90063-94-8

    The plant Momordica charantia belongs to the family cucuritaceae and is commonly known as bitter melon.   Bitter melon grows in tropical and subtropic areas, including parts of East Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and South America, where it is used as a food as well as a medicine. It produces beautiful flowers and prickly fruit .The fruit of this plant lives up to its name— it tastes bitter. Although the seeds, leaves, and vines of bitter melon have all been used, the fruit is the safest and most prevalent part of the plant used medicinally. The juice of the leaves and fruit or seeds is used as an anthelmintic. In Brazil, the dose for anthelmintic use is two or three seeds. The immature fruit of M.charantia tastes bitter due to the cucurbitacius. Cucurbitacius is comprised of a group of triterpenes including momordicosides, A-E, K, L, and momardicius I, II and III. The roots and fruit are used as an abortifacient.

    Bitter melon comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. The China phenotype is 20– 30 cm long, oblong with bluntly tapering ends and pale green in color, with a gently undulating, warty surface. The bitter melon more typical of India has a narrower shape with pointed ends, and a surface covered with jagged, triangular " teeth" and ridges. It is green to white in color. Between these two extremes are any number of intermediate forms. Some bear miniature fruit of only 6– 10 cm in length, which may be served individually as stuffed vegetables. These miniature fruit are popular in India and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

    Kingherbs LTD using high quality materials and specialized production technology, ensure the quality of the products, in recent years by the domestic and international praise. No solvent and pesticide residue . 100% purely natural.

    Bitter melon has been used in various Asian and African traditional medicine systems for a long time.
    Active substances
    Other uses
    Bitter melon has been used in traditional medicine for several other ailments, including dysentery, colic, fevers, burns, painful menstruation, scabies and other skin problems. It has also been used as abortifacient, for birth control, and to help childbirth.

    The seeds of bitter melon contains vicine and therefore can trigger symptoms of favism in susceptible individuals. In addition, the red arils of the seeds are reported to be toxic to children, and the fruit is contraindicated during pregnancy.

    Dosage and Administration
    Bitter melon may be consumed in the following ways: as food, a decoction of as much as 3 1/ 3 ounces ( 100 ml) , or 2 ounces ( 60 ml) of fresh juice ( daily) . Though still bitter, tinctures of bitter melon ( 1 teaspoon [ 5 ml] two to three times per day) may also be used. The above dosages would be appropriate for diabetics.

    Package: double vacuum packing inside, 25 kg/ fiber drum or according to customer requirement.
    Storage: Store in cool & dry place, Keep away from strong light and heat.
    Shelf life: 24 Months when properly stored.

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