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kipas lipat natural
Price : nego
folding fan with a natural color made of cow leather with a touch of puppet carving.
minimum order: 20pcs.
gantungan kunci....
Price : nego
puppet key ring made of leather, suitable for small souvenirs
batas buku
Price : nego
limit book of puppets made from goat leather with puppet motif.
kipas bulat motif....
Price : nego
a fan made of goat skin on the chisel with the puppet motif perfect for wedding souvenirs.
gantungan kaca mobil
Price : nego
car accessories / decoration in the car. leather puppets are carved with motifs
wayang kulit
Price : bermacam macam tergantung jenis dan ukuran
smooth leather puppets, made from buffalo skin and stems from the turtle / horns.
directly from the center pucung leather.
tempat lilin motif....
Price : nego
batik candle holder leather, leather raw material and metal framework with batik motifs.
kap lampu kulit....
Price : nego
batik leather lamp shades made from goat leather with metal frame is given a touch of batik motif that makes the impression of ethnic, suitable for home decoration.
kap lampu kulit....
Price : nego
batik leather lamp shades made from goat leather with metal frame is given a touch of batik motif that makes the impression of ethnic, suitable for home decoration.
kap lampu kulit....
Price : nego
batik leather lamp shades made from goat leather with metal frame is given a touch of batik motif that makes the impression of ethnic, suitable for home decoration.
kipas kain batik
Price : nego
fan batik cloth is made of waste fabric scraps clothing material that is designed to produce a beautiful fan and suitable for souvenirs
miniatur sepeda
Price : nego
miniature bicycle made of iron in the process manually so as to form a small bike a unique and beautiful, perfect for table decorations and souvenirs
miniatur becak
Price : nego
pedicab miniature made of metal similar in design so it looks pretty real rickshaw. suitable for table decoration
topeng besi
Price : nego
iron mask made of aluminum with iron in the process of molding / casting.
buku souvenir
Price : nego
souvenir book made of cardboard paper / recycling lined with banana bark, banana skin china, batik papers and leaf leaves that give the impression that natural
peti souvenir
Price : nego
crate souvenirs made from cardboard paper / recycling lined with banana bark, banana skin china, batik paper leaves and leaves that give the impression of a natural
box bulat souvenir
Price : nego
souvenir box made of cardboard paper / recycling lined with banana bark, banana skin china, batik paper leaves and leaves that give the impression of a natural
box oval
Price : nego
oval box made of cardboard paper / recycling lined with banana bark, banana skin china, batik paper leaves and leaves that give the impression of a natural
Box mika
Price : nego
mica box made of cardboard paper / recycling lined with banana bark, banana skin china, batik paper leaves and leaves that give the impression of a natural
Box tisu
Price : nego
tissue box made of cardboard paper / recycling lined with banana bark, banana skin china, batik papers and herb leaves that give the impression that natural
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