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 Products Catalog:VACUUBRAND, Vacuum pump, ME2  Products Catalog:CALORIMETER  Products Catalog:ELEKTRONIK  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Salt in Crude Analyser D3230  Products Catalog:K23050 Salts in Crude Analyzer  Products Catalog:Adapter, \" h\" shape connecting, 24/ 40 ( kmp 11 06009)  Products Catalog:Glass Distilling Apparatus ( kmp 11 06011)  Products Catalog:Distillation Apparatus Kit Set ( kmp 11 06010)  Products Catalog:Claisen Distillation Adapter 24/ 40 kmp 11 06006  Products Catalog:Vacuum Take Off Adapter 24/ 40 ( 105° ) kmp 11 06008  Products Catalog:Drip Tip Take Off Adapter 24/ 40 ( 105° ) kmp 11 06005  Products Catalog:Take Off Adapter 24/ 40 ( 105° ) kmp 11 06007  Products Catalog:75° Distillation Adapter with a 10/ 30 Thermometer Joint ( kmp 11 06003)  Products Catalog:105° Connecting Adapter 24/ 40 ( kmp 11 0604)  Products Catalog:75° Connecting Adapter 24/ 40 ( kmp 11 06002)  Products Catalog:Claisen Distillation Adapter w/ 10/ 30 Thermometer Joint ( kmp  11 6001)  Products Catalog:ALUMANIUM FOIL  Products Catalog:ALUMANIUM FOIL STAND UP  Products Catalog:Ohaus Triple Beam Series  Products Catalog:Ohaus NVT10001/ 1 Touchless Sensor Scale  Products Catalog:OHAUS EP214 EXPLORER PRO ANALYTICALl BALANCE  Products Catalog:Ohaus Scout SP401 Portable Scale  Products Catalog:OHAUS DISCOVERY ANALYTICAL BALANCE DV114C  Products Catalog:OHAUS SCOUT SP 202 PORTABLE SCALE  Products Catalog:OHAUS PIONEER PA313  Products Catalog:OHAUS VP612CN Voyager Pro Toploader Balance  Products Catalog:OHAUS AV3102 ADVENTURE PRO  Products Catalog:Ohaus Pioneer PA153 Milligram Balance  Products Catalog:Ohaus Discovery Analytical Balance DV114C  Products Catalog:Ohaus Pioneer PA64 Analytical Balance  Products Catalog:Ohaus EC3 Compact Bench Counting Scale  Products Catalog:Ohaus D51P10QR5 Defender 5000 Low Profile Bench Scale  Products Catalog:OHAUS VP613CN Voyager Pro Milligram Balance  Products Catalog:Ohaus D51XW150HX2 Defender 5000X Low Profile NTEP Scale  Products Catalog:Ohaus Pioneer PA512 Precision Toploading Balance  Products Catalog:Ohaus Scout SP202 Portable Scale  Products Catalog:Ohaus DCR5000 NTEP Legal For Trade Crane Scale  Products Catalog:OHAUS VP214CN Voyager Pro Laboratory Balance  Products Catalog:OHAUS VP4102CN Voyager Pro  Products Catalog:OHAUS AV213 Adventurer Pro  Products Catalog:Ohaus Pioneer PA313 Mg Balance   Lab Weighing  Products Catalog:Ohaus Ranger Series   RD3RM  Products Catalog:Trooper TR6RS from Ohaus Corporation  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta MFT Multi Filtration Tester  Products Catalog:PETRI DISH  Products Catalog:EVAPORATING DISH  Products Catalog:EVAPORATING DISH  Products Catalog:Ground Bottom Flask five neck, center and five side neck with ground joint  Products Catalog:Bod Bottle  Products Catalog:Gas Washing Bottle  Products Catalog:Receiver Adapter Plain Bend Socket To Cone  Products Catalog:FLASK ROUND BOTTOM TWO NECK  Products Catalog:Flasks, Round Bottom, Three neck at Angle  Products Catalog:DISTILLING APPARATUS  Products Catalog:PIPETTE FILLER  Products Catalog:LABORATORY BOTTLE  Products Catalog:Automatic Burettes  Products Catalog:Kjeldahl Flask  Products Catalog:VOLUMETRIC FLASK  Products Catalog:DESICCATOR  Products Catalog:SEPARATING FUNNEL  Products Catalog:FILTERING FLASK  Products Catalog:CLAMP BURET  Products Catalog:SPATULA  Products Catalog:CONDENSOR  Products Catalog:BOILING FLASK  Products Catalog:BEAKER GLASS  Products Catalog:SOXLET EXTRACTOR  Products Catalog:HI 504 pH/ ORP Controller with Tele Control and Sensor Check  Products Catalog:GPS Multiparameter Meter with Fast Tracker™ Tag Identification System HI 98280  Products Catalog:Educational pH Meter with Built In Stirrer EDUCATIONAL PH METER WITH BUILT IN STIRER  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD Gas Analyzer   Infragas 109  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD Gas Analyzer   Infragas 205  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD Gas Analyzer   Infragas 305   Motorcycles approved  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD Gas Analyzer   Infragas 196 PC Module  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD Gas Analyzer   Infragas 196 SK   Approved for motorcycles  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD Smoke meter   OPA 105.PCB  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD Smoke meter   OPA 391 / HDF  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD A/ C Equipment   Climate 307.09   NB  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD A/ C Equipment   Climate 207.09   NB  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD Phonometer   HD 2010  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD Trolley TOP 3   per Infragas serie 196 + PC  Products Catalog:ASSEMBLAD Trolley TOP 2   for Infragas 196 serie and OPA   HD serie  Products Catalog:HIOKI 8807 51 MEMORY HiCORDER  Products Catalog:HIOKI 8807 01 MEMORY HiCORDER  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3639 20 PULSE LOGGER  Products Catalog:HIOKI 8847 MEMORY HiCORDER  Products Catalog:KYORITSU Insulation Tester / MOhm  Products Catalog:HIOKI 8730 10 WAVE COMPARATOR  Products Catalog:KYORITSU 8113 AC/ DC CLAMP ADAPTOR  Products Catalog:KYORITSU 5510 INFRARED THERMOMETER  Products Catalog:KYORITSU 5500, LASER SIGHT TEMPERATURMEASUREMENT  Products Catalog:KYORITSU 5202 DIGITAL LIGHT METER  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3151 EARTH HiTESTER  Products Catalog:HIOKI 9669 CLAMP ON SENSOR  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3144 20 NOISE SEARCH TESTER  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3143 EARTH HiTESTER  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3452 11 to 3452 13 M& HiTESTER  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3662 20, 3663 20 LASER LIGHT SOURCE  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3632 20 TEMPERATURE LOGGER  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3634 20 INSTRUMENTATION LOGGER  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3911 20 COMMUNICATION BASE  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3641 20 HUMIDITY LOGGER  Products Catalog:KYORITSU 1051/ 1052  Products Catalog:HIOKI 2104 METER RELAY  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3286 20 Power Meter  Products Catalog:HIOKI 3665 20 LAN CABLE HiTESTER  Products Catalog:KYORITSU 8031  Products Catalog:HIOKI 9132 50, 9010 50 CLAMP ON PROBE  Products Catalog:KYORITSU 2471  Products Catalog:OHAUS MB 35  Products Catalog:Kane KM9106 Quintox portable gas analyser and emissions monitor  Products Catalog:Kane 940 multi gas combustion flue gas emissions analyser  Products Catalog:Kane 900 Plus combustion flue gas analyser  Products Catalog:Analytical and Precision Balances  Products Catalog:CMS600C B Ultrasound Diagnostic Scanner  Products Catalog:CMS600C B Ultrasound Diagnostic Scanner  Products Catalog:CMS600P B Ultrasound Diagnostic Scanner  Products Catalog:CONTEC 8000C/ D Telenetry ECG ( 1/ 3Channel)  Products Catalog:CONTEC 8000A ECG workstation  Products Catalog:Dynamic ECG System TLC9804  Products Catalog:Dynamic ECG System TLC4000  Products Catalog:CMS6000 Multi parameter Monitor  Products Catalog:SP 800 Infusion Pump  Products Catalog:EMG/ EP System  Products Catalog:SP10 SPIROMETER ( AM)  Products Catalog:CMS VE Visual Electronic Stethoscope( Option: Spo2)  Products Catalog:LX840D Gynecology Aspirator ( AM)  Products Catalog:SP 800 Infusion Pump ( AM)  Products Catalog:CMS 200 Semi auto Biochemistry Analyzer ( AM)  Products Catalog:CMS600B Portable Convex Ultrasound Scanner ( AM)  Products Catalog:CMS280C Mobile Ultrasound Scanner ( AM)  Products Catalog:CMS600C2 B Ultrasound Diagnostic Scanner ( AM)  Products Catalog:KT88 3200 Digital EEG And Mapping System ( AM)  Products Catalog:CONTEC 8000S Wireless Stress ECG Systems ( AM)  Products Catalog:ECG 1200B Digital Twelve Channel ECG ( AM)  Products Catalog:PM50 NIBP/ Spo2 Patient Monitor ( AM)  Products Catalog:Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring System  Products Catalog:CMS 65A Pulse Oximeter With Printer ( AM)  Products Catalog:CMS50C Pulse Oximeter ( AM)  Products Catalog:CMS 9000F Maternal/ Fetal Monitor ( AM)  Products Catalog:CMS 800G Fetal Monitor ( AM)  Products Catalog:CMS 6000B Multi parameter Monitor( six Parameters) ( AM)  Products Catalog:CMS5000B Vital Signs Monitor ( AM)  Products Catalog:CMS8000 Multi parameter Monitor ( AM)  Products Catalog:Multiflash   Small Scale Rapid Equilibrium34700 0  Products Catalog:Multiflash   Cleveland Open Cup34300 0  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Multiflash   Abel Flashpoint Tester34000 0  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Multiflash   Pensky Martens Closed Cup34100 2  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Mini Rotary Viscometer ( Dual unit) MRV 102  Products Catalog:STANHOPESETA, GC1000 Digital Gas Chromatograph  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, KING Single Cloud and Pour Point Bath  70C / 4 PossitionCP 610  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA ( CETANE) IQT Ignition Quality Tester92002 2  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA ( BIO FUELS) iPal Portable FTIR analyzeriPal  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA ( BIOFUEL) Filter Blocking Tendency MFT91600 3  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Universal Samplers14877 0  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Evaporation Cell Bath12900 0  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Shell 4 Ball EP Lubricant Tester with Autoload System19900 2  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Corrosion Test Bath22220 4  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Ring and Ball Test Unit ( 2 place, Rectengular) 21001 2  Products Catalog:SAND EQUIVALENT TEST SET  Products Catalog:LOS ANGELES ABRATION MACHINE  Products Catalog:HYDRAULIC CONCRETE BEAM TESTING MACHINE  Products Catalog:HYDRAULIC CONCRETE BEAM TESTING MACHINE  Products Catalog:AGGREGATE IMPACT TEST  Products Catalog:COMPRESSION MACHINE  Products Catalog:CORE DRILLING TEST SET  Products Catalog:LABORATORY PENETRATION TEST SET  Products Catalog:FLASH AND FIRE POINT BY CLEVELAND OPEN CUP  Products Catalog:LOSS ON HEATING  Products Catalog:LIQUID LIMIT TEST SET  Products Catalog:LABORATORY CBR TEST SET  Products Catalog:HYDROMETER ANALYSIS TEST SET  Products Catalog:SIEVE SHAKER  Products Catalog:HACH, ORBISPHERE 6110, Total Package Analyzer  Products Catalog:DR 2800  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA SPECTROPHOTOMETER T 60 UV VisibleT 60  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Selby Noack Volatility Test36004  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, TFAB Tannas Foam Air Bath7002  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, SetaVis Double 6 Kinematic Auto Viscometer83545 3  Products Catalog:SetaVis Double 6 Kinematic Auto Viscometer83545 3  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Grease Drop Point Oven11730 2  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Pressure Hydrometer Apparatus22100 0  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Cloud and Pour Point Cryostat93531 6  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Stanomatic Dual Grease Worker17790 0  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, IQT Ignition Quality Tester92002 2  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Portable Oil Test Set 60kV99615 0  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Automatic Oil Tester 100kV  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, AV Count Particle Counter IP 565 Defstan 91 91SA1000 0  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Orbis PAMSTILL Distillation Unit 9008200  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Multi Filtration Tester91600 3  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta AutoRobot Pressure Monitoring System15205 215205 2_ autorobot_ pressure.jpg  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Quantum Oxidation Tester  Products Catalog:STANHOPE, PETROLEUM TEST EQ  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Laboratory test instruments for quality control, calibration and analysis from Stanhope Seta  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Ignition Quality Tester ( IQT)  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta MFT Multi Filtration Tester  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Orbis D86 Digistill Thermometer & Data Processor distillation thermometer  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Setastill distillation  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Orbis Precision Automated Distillation Apparatus ( PAM)  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Oil Test Centrifuge  Products Catalog:HACH, Water Distribution Monitoring Panel sc  Products Catalog:HANNA, Free and Total Chlorine, Cyanuric Acid and pH Photometer with 555 nm LED  Products Catalog:HANNA, Free & Total Chlorine, pH, ORP and Temperature Analyzer  Products Catalog:HACH, Chlorine ( Free & Total) Test Kit, Model CN 70, Color Disc, 100 tests  Products Catalog:HACH, MET ONE 3411, Portable Air Particle Counter ( HACH)  Products Catalog:HACH, Arsenic Test Kit, 0 500 ppb, 100 tests  Products Catalog:HACH, 2100Q Portable Turbidimeter  Products Catalog:HACH, 2100N Laboratory Turbidimeter, 115 Vac  Products Catalog:HACH, DR 2700 Portable Spectrophotometer  Products Catalog:HACH, DR 2800 Portable Spectrophotometer  Products Catalog:HACH, HIAC 9705, Liquid Particle Counting System  Products Catalog:HACH, CL17 Free Residual Chlorine Analyzer  Products Catalog:HANA, ION SELECTIVE ELECTRODE METER, HI 2216 pH Meter with ISE  Products Catalog:HANNA. HI 99551 Infrared Thermometers for the Food Industry  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 504 Series pH/ ORP Controller with Tele Control and Sensor Check  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 96821 Sodium Chloride Refractometer For the Food Industry  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 8424 Waterproof pH Meter with Automatic Calibration and Temperature Compensation  Products Catalog:HANNA HI 9564 Hand Held Thermo Hygrometers with Calibration Data Logging RH Probe  Products Catalog:HANNA HI 97500 Portable Lux/ Light Meter  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 93102 Complete Instrument for Turbidity, Cyanuric Acid, Bromine, Chlorine, Iron, Iodine and pH  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 88703 Bench Top Turbidity Meter  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 96733 Ammonia Photometer with 470 nm LED  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 84102 Mini Titration System for Total Acidity  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 84432 Titratable Acidity Mini Titrator & pH Meter for Fruit Juices  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 902 Complete Analytical Titration System w/ 2 Burettes  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 902C New Multiparameter Titration System with Color LCD  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 3512 New Two Channel, pH/ ORP/ ISE, EC/ TD/ NaCl/ Resistivity Benchtop Meter  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 4421 Dissolved Oxygen Bench Meter  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 98311 Waterproof ( Low Range) EC/ TDS/ Temperature Tester  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 4321 Conductivity Bench Meter  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 98128 Waterproof pH Tester with Replaceable Electrode w/ accuracy ± 0.05 pH  Products Catalog:HANNA, HI 2210 pH Bench Meter Perfect for Quality Control Applications  Products Catalog:HI 83099 HANNA, COD and Multiparameter Bench Photometer  Products Catalog:HI 83214 Multi Parameter Photometer for Wastewater Analysis  Products Catalog:Ultraviolet UV Spectrophotometer  Products Catalog:UV Spectrophotometers & Analytical Chemistry  Products Catalog:UV Spectrophotometer & Molecular Biology  Products Catalog:HACH, MET ONE 3400 Series, Portable Air Particle Counters  Products Catalog:HORIBA, Water Quality Meters & Others, pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO: We sell DO Meter, Conductivity Meter Portable Type, Conductivity Meter Bench, Compact pH Meter, Compact Ion Meter, Compact Salt Meter, Compact Conductivity Meter & Oil Content Analyzer  Products Catalog:Digital Salt Meters ( Alat Ukur Kadar Garam Digital )  Products Catalog:JT BAKER  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Setaflash Series 3 ActiveCool Flash Point Tester  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Multi Method Flash Point Tester  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Oil Test Centrifuge  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Multiflash   Small Scale Flash point tester ( Use with Multiflash base unit 34000 0)  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Setaflash Series 8 Closed Cup Flash Point Tester ( High temperature)  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Setavis Kinematic Viscometer  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, KV 2 Low Temperature Viscometer Bath  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Setavis Double 6 Kinematic Automatic Viscometer  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Silver and Copper Corrosion Bath  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Multiflash   Small Scale Flash point tester (  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA INSTRUMENTS  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta KV 5 Viscometer Bath  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Seta Multiflash Automatic Flash point Tester   Universal Base Unit  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, LABORATORY TEST INSTRUMENT PETROLEUM TEST  Products Catalog:WATER TREATMENT  Products Catalog:ALAT LABORATORIUM KIMIA  Products Catalog:KOEHLER, K13260 Portable Automated Colorimeter  Products Catalog:KOEHLER, K29300 High Temperature Evaporation Loss Test Apparatus  Products Catalog:KOEHLER, K16175 Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils  Products Catalog:KOEHLER, K10400 Oxidation Stability of Fuels, Liquid Baths  Products Catalog:K45603 Automatic Distillation Analyzer 5000 Series  Products Catalog:K87150 VDA7000 Automatic Vacuum Distillation System  Products Catalog:PYREX GLASS  Products Catalog:EUTECH Instruments  Products Catalog:ALAT SURVEY  Products Catalog:STANHOPE SETA, Ignition Quality Tester ( IQT)  Products Catalog:HANNA Hand Held Thermo Hygrometers with Calibration Data Logging RH Probe  Products Catalog:HANNA ISO Turbidity Bench Meter  Products Catalog:Conductivity Bench Meter  Products Catalog:SAND CONE TEST SET ASTM dD 1556  Products Catalog:HANNA, pH/ ISE/ DO/ Conductivity meter, Turbidity meter, Multiparameters  Products Catalog:SPEEDY MOISTURE TESTER  Products Catalog:OXOID  Products Catalog:OXOID  Products Catalog:DR 3800 Benchtop Spectrophotometer  Products Catalog:HACH DR 5000 UV Vis Spectrophotometer  Products Catalog:HACH  Products Catalog:BLUE GIZMO Infrared thermometer, Temperature and Humidity Datalogger  Products Catalog:BLUE GIZMO Infrared thermometer, Temperature and Humidity Datalogger  Products Catalog:DAVIS WEATHER STATION  Products Catalog:DAVIS WEATHER STATION  Products Catalog:DAVIS WEATHER STATION  Products Catalog:DAVIS WEATHER STATION  Products Catalog:DAVIS WEATHER STATION  Products Catalog:OXOID AR  Products Catalog:HACH, MERCK, OHAUS  Products Catalog:PETROTEST EQUIPMENTS  Products Catalog:PETROTEST INSTRUMENTS  Products Catalog:PETROTEST  Products Catalog:PETROTEST  Products Catalog:ALAT SURVEY TRIMBLE JUNO  Products Catalog:TRIMBLE JUNO  Products Catalog:MATERIAL TEST INSTRUMENT  Products Catalog:DISTILLATION PRODUCT OF PETROLEUM  Products Catalog:OVEN  Products Catalog:OIL BATH  Products Catalog:WATER BATH  Products Catalog:INCUBATOR  Products Catalog:MEMMERT  Products Catalog:ALAT LABORATORIUM  Products Catalog:LABORATORIUM LINGKUNGAN HIDUP  Products Catalog:ALAT PERAGA PENDIDIKAN ( SMP, SMA, SMK, UNIVERSITAS)  Products Catalog:LABORATORIUM  Products Catalog:ALAT ALAT INDUSTRI  Products Catalog:LISTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK 

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Products Catalog

HANNA, HI 3512 New Two Channel, pH/ ORP/ ISE, EC/ TD/ NaCl/ Resistivity Benchtop Meter
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OriginUnited States
The HI 3512 instrument is a state of the art, professional bench meter with a graphic LCD, designed to provide accurate laboratory

This instrument can also measure with ORP electrodes ( pH channel input) , thanks to their capability to measure mV with a resolution up to 0.1 mV and with ISE electrodes on ppm scale ( pH channel input) . The electrode type and unit selection capability and the ISE calibration in up to five calibration standard solutions make this instrument very useful for a large range of concentration solutions measurements. Relative mV feature is available as well as measurement in resistivity, TDS and salinity on the EC channel.

Two input channels are available.

Channel 1: pH/ mV/ ISE and temperature
Channel 2: EC/ TDS, NaCl/ resistivity and temperature

pH channel:

7 standard pH buffers ( pH 1.68, 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01 and 12.45) for calibration
Up to 5 point pH calibration
Custom calibration with up to two custom buffers
Messages on the graphic LCD for an easy and accurate calibration.
Diagnostics to alert the user when the electrode needs cleaning
User selectable â out of calibration rangeâ warning
User selectable â calibration timeoutâ to remind when a new calibration is necessary
Extended temperature range on pH channel from â 20 to 120 º C ( â 4 to 248 º F) , using HI 7662-T temperature probe

EC channel:

7 memorized standards ( 0.00 ¼ S/ cm, 84.0 ¼ S/ cm, 1.413 mS/ cm,
5.00 mS/ cm, 12.88 mS/ cm, 80.0 mS/ cm and 111.8 mS/ cm) for calibration
EC calibration up to two calibration points
Messages on the graphic LCD for an easy and accurate calibration
Diagnostics to alert the user when the electrode needs cleaning
User selectable â out of calibration rangeâ warning
User selectable â calibration timeoutâ to remind when a new calibration is necessary
Extended temperature range on EC channel from â 20 to 120 º C ( â 4 to 248 º F) , using a temperature sensor inside the EC probe
Temperature compensation selection
Temperature reference selection 15 ° C, 20 ° C or 25 ° C.
Temperature coefficient set
Lock and user setup fixed range selection

Other features include:

Log on demand up to 400 samples
Log interval with log on stability feature up to 600 records
Auto HOLD feature, to freeze first stable reading on the LCD
GLP feature, to view last calibration data for pH, rel mV, ISE, EC or NaCl
PC interface

pH Range -2.0 to 20.0; -2.00 to 20.00; -2.000 to 20.000 pH
pH Resolution 000.1 pH; 0.01 pH; 0.001 pH
pH Accuracy ± 0.01 pH; ± 0.002 pH
mV Range ± 2000.0 mV
mV Resolution 0.1 mV
mV Accuracy ± 0.2 mV
ISE Range 1.00 e-7 to 9.99 e10 conc.
ISE Resolution 3 digits 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 conc.
ISE Accuracy ± 0.5% of reading ( monovalent ions) ; ± 1% of reading ( divalent ions)
Temperature Channel 1 Range â 20.0 to 120.0 º C ( 4.0 to 248.0 º F)
Temperature Channel 1 Resolution 0.1 º C ( 0.1 º F)
Temperature Channel 1 Accuracy ± 0.2 º C ( ± 0.4 º F) ( excluding probe error)
Relative mV Offset Range ± 2000 mV
pH Calibration up to five-point calibration, 7 standard buffers available ( 1.68, 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01, 12.45) , and 2 custom buffers
Slope Calibration from 80 to 110%
pH Temperature Compensation manual or automatic from â 20.0 to 120.0 º C ( â 4.0 to 248.0 º F)
pH Electrode Hi 1131B glass body pH electrode with BnC connector and 1 m ( 3.3' ) cable ( included)
Temperature probe Hi 7662-t temperature probe with 1 m ( 3.3' ) cable ( included)
ISE Calibration up to five-point calibration points 6 standard solutions available ( 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 ppm)
EC Range 000 to 400 ms/ cm ( shows values up to 1000 ms/ cm) actual conductivity 1000 ms/ cm; 0.001 to 9.999 µ s/ cm; 10.00 to 99.99 µ s/ cm; 100.0 to 999.9 µ s/ cm; 1.000 to 9.999 ms/ cm; 10.00 to 99.99 ms/ cm; 100.0 to 999.9 ms/ cm; 1000 ms/ cm ( autoranging)
EC Resolution 0.001 µ s/ cm; 0.01 µ s/ cm; 0.1 µ s/ cm; 0.001 ms/ cm; 0.01 ms/ cm; 0.1 ms/ cm; 1 ms/ cm
EC Accuracy ± 1% of reading ( ± 0.01 µ s/ cm or 1 digit whichever is greater) excluding probe error
Resistivity Range 01.0 to 199.9 ohms; 100 to 1.999 ohms; 1.00 to 19.99 Kohms; 10.0 to 199.9 Kohms; 100 to 1.999 Kohms; 1.00 to 19.99 Mohms; 10.0 to 100.0 Mohms ( autoranging)
Resistivity Resolution 0.1 ohm; 1 ohm; 0.01 Kohms; 0.1 Kohms; 1 Kohms; 0.01 Mohms; 0.1 Mohms
Resistivity Accuracy ± 1% of reading ( ± 10 ohms or 1 digit whichever greater) excluding probe error
TDS Range 0.000 to 9.999 ppm; 10.00 to 99.99 ppm; 100.0 to 999.9 ppm; 1.000 to 9.999 g/ L; 10.00 to 99.99 g/ L; 100.0 to 400.0 g/ L ( autoranging)
TDS Resolution 0.001 ppm; 0.01 ppm; 0.1 ppm; 0.001 g/ L; 0.01 g/ L; 0.1 g/ L
TDS Accuracy ± 1% of reading ( ± 0.05 ppm or 1 digit whichever greater) excluding probe error
TDS Factor 0.40 to 1.00
Salinity Range % naCl: 0.0 to 400.0 %
Salinity Resolution 0.1 %
Salinity Accuracy ± 1% of reading excluding probe error
Temperature Channel 2 Range -20.0 to 120° C
Temperature Channel 2 Resolution 0.1° C
Temperature Channel 2 Accuracy ± 0.2 ° C ( excluding probe error)
EC Calibration automatic up to 2 points with 7 memorized standards ( 0.00 µ s/ cm, 84.0 µ s/ cm, 1.413 ms/ cm, 5.00 ms/ cm, 12.88 ms/ cm, 80.0 ms/ cm, 111.8 ms/ cm)
Constant Cell Setup 0.010 to 10.000
NaCl Calibration max. 1 point only ( with Hi 7073 standard)
EC Probe Hi 76310 platinum 4-ring conductivity/ tDs probe with 1 m ( 3.3' ) cable ( included)
Temperature Source automatic from sensor inside the probe; manual entry
EC Temperature Compensation NoTC, MTC, ATC
Reference Temperature 15, 20, 25 ° C
Temperature Coeficient 0.00 to 10.00 % / ° C
Log On Demand 400 samples
Lot Logging pH electrode and buffer condition
PC interface opto-isolated UsB
Input Impedance 1012 ohms
Power Supply 12 VDC adapter ( included)
Environment 0 to 50 ° C ( 32 - 122 ° F) RH max 55% non-condensing
Dimensions 235 x 207 x 110 mm ( 9.2 x 8.14 x 4.33â )
Weight 1.8 Kg ( 4.1 lbs.)

HI 6016 7.413 pH Millesimal Buffer Solution ( ± 0.002 pH)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 6004 4.010 pH Millesimal Buffer Solution ( ± 0.002 pH)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 6007 7.010 pH Millesimal Buffer Solution ( ± 0.002 pH)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 6010 10.010 pH Millesimal Buffer Solution ( ± 0.002 pH)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 6124 12.450 pH Millesimal Buffer Solution ( ± 0.002 pH)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7030L 12880 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7031L 1413 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7033L 84 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7034L 80000 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7035L 111800 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7039L 5000 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7037L Calibration solution for % Readings ( 100% NaCl)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7061L General Purpose Cleaning Solution
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 70300L Electrode Storage Solution
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 92000 Windows® Compatible Software for Logging Instruments,
Photometers and Turbidity Meters
HI 920013 USB cable

HI 3512 is supplied with HI 76310 conductivity/ TDS probe, HI 1131B pH electrode, HI 7662-T temperature probe, HI 70004 pH 4.01 buffer solution sachet, HI 70007 pH 7.01 buffer solution sachet, HI 700661 electrode cleaning solution sachet ( 2) , HI 7071S electrolyte solution ( 30 mL) , HI 76404N electrode holder, 12 VDC adapter and instructions. Search HANNA

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MSDS Manuals

Chemical Test Kits
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Chemical Oxygen Demand
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Relative Humidity
Magnetic Stirrers
Mini Panel Mounted Controllers
Process Instrumentation
Dosing Pumps
Lux Meters
Instrumentation Accessories
pH Range -2.0 to 20.0; -2.00 to 20.00; -2.000 to 20.000 pH
pH Resolution 000.1 pH; 0.01 pH; 0.001 pH
pH Accuracy ± 0.01 pH; ± 0.002 pH
mV Range ± 2000.0 mV
mV Resolution 0.1 mV
mV Accuracy ± 0.2 mV
ISE Range 1.00 e-7 to 9.99 e10 conc.
ISE Resolution 3 digits 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 conc.
ISE Accuracy ± 0.5% of reading ( monovalent ions) ; ± 1% of reading ( divalent ions)
Temperature Channel 1 Range â 20.0 to 120.0 º C ( 4.0 to 248.0 º F)
Temperature Channel 1 Resolution 0.1 º C ( 0.1 º F)
Temperature Channel 1 Accuracy ± 0.2 º C ( ± 0.4 º F) ( excluding probe error)
Relative mV Offset Range ± 2000 mV
pH Calibration up to five-point calibration, 7 standard buffers available ( 1.68, 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01, 12.45) , and 2 custom buffers
Slope Calibration from 80 to 110%
pH Temperature Compensation manual or automatic from â 20.0 to 120.0 º C ( â 4.0 to 248.0 º F)
pH Electrode Hi 1131B glass body pH electrode with BnC connector and 1 m ( 3.3' ) cable ( included)
Temperature probe Hi 7662-t temperature probe with 1 m ( 3.3' ) cable ( included)
ISE Calibration up to five-point calibration points 6 standard solutions available ( 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 ppm)
EC Range 000 to 400 ms/ cm ( shows values up to 1000 ms/ cm) actual conductivity 1000 ms/ cm; 0.001 to 9.999 µ s/ cm; 10.00 to 99.99 µ s/ cm; 100.0 to 999.9 µ s/ cm; 1.000 to 9.999 ms/ cm; 10.00 to 99.99 ms/ cm; 100.0 to 999.9 ms/ cm; 1000 ms/ cm ( autoranging)
EC Resolution 0.001 µ s/ cm; 0.01 µ s/ cm; 0.1 µ s/ cm; 0.001 ms/ cm; 0.01 ms/ cm; 0.1 ms/ cm; 1 ms/ cm
EC Accuracy ± 1% of reading ( ± 0.01 µ s/ cm or 1 digit whichever is greater) excluding probe error
Resistivity Range 01.0 to 199.9 ohms; 100 to 1.999 ohms; 1.00 to 19.99 Kohms; 10.0 to 199.9 Kohms; 100 to 1.999 Kohms; 1.00 to 19.99 Mohms; 10.0 to 100.0 Mohms ( autoranging)
Resistivity Resolution 0.1 ohm; 1 ohm; 0.01 Kohms; 0.1 Kohms; 1 Kohms; 0.01 Mohms; 0.1 Mohms
Resistivity Accuracy ± 1% of reading ( ± 10 ohms or 1 digit whichever greater) excluding probe error
TDS Range 0.000 to 9.999 ppm; 10.00 to 99.99 ppm; 100.0 to 999.9 ppm; 1.000 to 9.999 g/ L; 10.00 to 99.99 g/ L; 100.0 to 400.0 g/ L ( autoranging)
TDS Resolution 0.001 ppm; 0.01 ppm; 0.1 ppm; 0.001 g/ L; 0.01 g/ L; 0.1 g/ L
TDS Accuracy ± 1% of reading ( ± 0.05 ppm or 1 digit whichever greater) excluding probe error
TDS Factor 0.40 to 1.00
Salinity Range % naCl: 0.0 to 400.0 %
Salinity Resolution 0.1 %
Salinity Accuracy ± 1% of reading excluding probe error
Temperature Channel 2 Range -20.0 to 120° C
Temperature Channel 2 Resolution 0.1° C
Temperature Channel 2 Accuracy ± 0.2 ° C ( excluding probe error)
EC Calibration automatic up to 2 points with 7 memorized standards ( 0.00 µ s/ cm, 84.0 µ s/ cm, 1.413 ms/ cm, 5.00 ms/ cm, 12.88 ms/ cm, 80.0 ms/ cm, 111.8 ms/ cm)
Constant Cell Setup 0.010 to 10.000
NaCl Calibration max. 1 point only ( with Hi 7073 standard)
EC Probe Hi 76310 platinum 4-ring conductivity/ tDs probe with 1 m ( 3.3' ) cable ( included)
Temperature Source automatic from sensor inside the probe; manual entry
EC Temperature Compensation NoTC, MTC, ATC
Reference Temperature 15, 20, 25 ° C
Temperature Coeficient 0.00 to 10.00 % / ° C
Log On Demand 400 samples
Lot Logging pH electrode and buffer condition
PC interface opto-isolated UsB
Input Impedance 1012 ohms
Power Supply 12 VDC adapter ( included)
Environment 0 to 50 ° C ( 32 - 122 ° F) RH max 55% non-condensing
Dimensions 235 x 207 x 110 mm ( 9.2 x 8.14 x 4.33â )
Weight 1.8 Kg ( 4.1 lbs.)

HI 6016 7.413 pH Millesimal Buffer Solution ( ± 0.002 pH)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 6004 4.010 pH Millesimal Buffer Solution ( ± 0.002 pH)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 6007 7.010 pH Millesimal Buffer Solution ( ± 0.002 pH)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 6010 10.010 pH Millesimal Buffer Solution ( ± 0.002 pH)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 6124 12.450 pH Millesimal Buffer Solution ( ± 0.002 pH)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7030L 12880 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7031L 1413 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7033L 84 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7034L 80000 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7035L 111800 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7039L 5000 µ S/ cm ( µ mho/ cm)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7037L Calibration solution for % Readings ( 100% NaCl)
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 7061L General Purpose Cleaning Solution
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 70300L Electrode Storage Solution
1 x 500 mL bottle
HI 92000 Windows® Compatible Software for Logging Instruments,
Photometers and Turbidity Meters
HI 920013 USB cable

HI 3512 is supplied with HI 76310 conductivity/ TDS probe, HI 1131B pH electrode, HI 7662-T temperature probe, HI 70004 pH 4.01 buffer solution sachet, HI 70007 pH 7.01 buffer solution sachet, HI 700661 electrode cleaning solution sachet ( 2) , HI 7071S electrolyte solution ( 30 mL) , HI 76404N electrode holder, 12 VDC adapter and instructions. Search HANNA

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MSDS Manuals

Chemical Test Kits
pH/ ORP/ ISE Meters
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Fertigation Systems
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Chemical Oxygen Demand
Turbidity Meters
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