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Our company engaged in the distribution of miniature craft miniature musical instruments and transportation equipment. Miniature musical instrument consists of a miniature guitar ( guitar miniature) , a miniature violin ( violin miniature) , a miniature banjo, cello miniatures, miniature drums, miniature drums ( Drum miniature) , miniature Bungo, mandolin miniature, miniature drums, miniature saron, and the various miniature key chain that consists of a miniature guitar key chains, miniature, miniature drums and drums.
Craft miniature transportation consists of: Miniature bicycle ( metal / wood) , miniature harley davidson ( metal / wood) miniature aircraft, miniature railway locomotives, miniature Vespa, VW miniature, miniature rickshaws, miniature horse cart and miniature gerobag. We also distribute various handicrafts children from bamboo, such as children' s toys ( bamboo whistles, bamboo flute, bamboo gangsing toys and other crafts) other handicraft products we distribute with the price of handicrafts artisans like sea shells and other bleak leather leather bracelets, wooden bangles ethnic necklaces and bracelets. We are pleased to establish a business partner with all the parties for mutual benefit.
For those who are interested need goods and want to work together to SMS to 08562558467 or e-mail: jogjacraftsonline@ yahoo.com

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