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Priority Member Indomonster Priority 15th Year
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Indo Tehnik
Contact Information
Mr. Aldi Chundra [Employee]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: indotech_jkt@yahoo.com 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Aldi Chundra at Jakarta Barat
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Aldi Chundra at Jakarta Barat
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. Aldi Chundra at Jakarta Barat
LTC Glodok Lt. GF2 Blok. A19 No.6-7
Jakarta Barat 11180, Jakarta
Valid Address
+ 62 21 62320763, + 62852 21272872
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We provide makita and maktec power tools product. These product are made from japan, and assembly in several strategic country.

our product are guaranted one year, to make sure....
Multipro - Compressor
Multipro is the one of the most trusted company in indonesia. We have the most of multipro product such as Compressor, Air Brush Kit, Generator, Spray gun, Submersible Pump and....
Sikat Mangkok Cup Brush FUJIYAMA 3"
We provide cup brush with Union Brand. This product cheap, high repeat order, and of course compatible for any 4" grinder. If you need this, contact us and we will give you the....
Air Impact Wrench Ingersold Rand
Air Impact Wrench Ingersold Rand is one of the best product that known among automotif player. And we have this product in our store start from 3/ 8" , 1/ 2" , 3/ 4" and 1" .
Grease Gun Tekiro 500cc
This product very helpfull to pump grease into the engine spare part such as bearing, etc.

Easy to use, easy to keep.
We have kolorkut product that used for finding water and gasoline by color marking changing.
Kawat Las KobeSteel
We supply welding electrode for Kobesteel Brand. We have all type of this electrode welding such as RB-26, LB52, LB52-18, LB52U, etc.
Palu Tembaga / copper hammer
Most of anti-spark area use this copper hammer to hit any metal or any material without sparking. we provide variety size start from 1lb to 20lbs.
contact us to know more..
Webbing Sling Speed Lift
Webbing sling SpeedLift is certificate product that won' t be doubt it' s quality and it' s power. We provide variety size start from 1ton and more.
Kabel las Super SunFlex & SuperFlex
our product this super flex & super sunflex welding cable is very good for welding working. We guarantee that this welding cable has real core size, start from 35mm, 50mm, 70mm, ....
Isolasi Scotch 3M 23 & 33+
soctch 3M tapes is very good tape with best qualit for isolators in electric and electronics.
Karcher K.2360 High Pressure Cleaner
For your house cleaner product. The most best seller, with relative cheap price.

We have this product limited with cheap price.
Lakban Kertas NASHUA
This Tape is usefull for taping paper. What we provide is this tape with 1" x 15mtr and 2" x 25mtr size.

Just contact us for further quotation.
Since 1953, weâ € ™ ve been the leading threadlocker technology.

Through an extensive user....
Flowmeter Fillrite TUTHILL
This unit can identifies total number of fluids that were distributing, and it also has automatic preset.

This product are available in 3 and 4 digits.

Tuthill and Superite.
Lem Castol
castol is most popular contact adhesive that use and search by people.
Contact Cleaner CRC
CRC is a worldwide leader in the production of specialty chemicals for the maintenance and repair professional, serving automotive, marine, electrical, industrial, and aviation....
Anti Karat WD-40
WD-40 is the trademark name of a widely-available water-displacing spray developed in 1953 by Norm Larsen, founder of the Rocket Chemical Company, San Diego, California. It was....
Tenka - Generator Listrik
We offer you our generator product, that can supply alternative current to your house, or to run your electric equipment in your working area. We have many kind of watt, from low....
Cigweld Welding Solution
Cigweld manufactures and distributes MIG and TIG cutting and welding equipment, arc welding systems, gas apparatus and consumables.
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