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INDOGEOTECH DARMA SOLUSI | Total station & Digital Theodolit,  GPS Garmin,  Waterpass,  GPS Tracking,  GPS Geodetik,  GPS Pemetaan,  Alat Survey,  Alat Geologi,  Radio Komunikasi,  Alat Telekomunikasi
INDOGEOTECH DARMA SOLUSI | Total station & Digital Theodolit, GPS Garmin, Waterpass, GPS Tracking, GPS Geodetik, GPS Pemetaan, Alat Survey, Alat Geologi, Radio Komunikasi, Alat Telekomunikasi
PT. INDOGEOTECH DARMA SOLUSI : A Marketplace of GeoSolution !
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Digital Theodolite Sokkia Series[Jul. 6, 2007 10:35:08]
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Sokkia Digital Theodolite DT-510

Brief characteristics:
- Increase: 30 X
- The accuracy of measurement it is angular - 5"
- Working range of compensator - 3'

Brief description of theodolite Sokkia:
The new electronic theodolites SOKKIA DTx10-1 of a series present a new series of the electronic theodolites of firm SOKKIA. This splendid tools for the measurement it is angular. With the use of these theodolites the errors of taking the counting (value it is angular they are derived to the display) are excluded. They are the more contemporary and more perfect analogs of magnificently recommended themselves electronic theodolites SOKKIA DT500, DT500A and DT600.

Sokkia Digital Theodolite DT-610

Brief characteristics:
- Increase: 30 X
- The accuracy of measurement it is angular - 5"
- Working range of compensator - 3'

Brief description of theodolite Sokkia:
The new electronic theodolites SOKKIA DTx10-1 of a series present a new series of the electronic theodolites of firm SOKKIA. This splendid tools for the measurement it is angular. With the use of these theodolites the errors of taking the counting (value it is angular they are derived to the display) are excluded. They are the more contemporary and more perfect analogs of magnificently recommended themselves electronic theodolites SOKKIA DT500, DT500A and DT600.