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INDOGEOTECH DARMA SOLUSI | Total station & Digital Theodolit,  GPS Garmin,  Waterpass,  GPS Tracking,  GPS Geodetik,  GPS Pemetaan,  Alat Survey,  Alat Geologi,  Radio Komunikasi,  Alat Telekomunikasi
INDOGEOTECH DARMA SOLUSI | Total station & Digital Theodolit, GPS Garmin, Waterpass, GPS Tracking, GPS Geodetik, GPS Pemetaan, Alat Survey, Alat Geologi, Radio Komunikasi, Alat Telekomunikasi
PT. INDOGEOTECH DARMA SOLUSI : A Marketplace of GeoSolution !
Contact Information
Mr. Dadan Darmawan [Marketing]
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Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Dadan Darmawan at JAKARTA BARAT
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Mobile number of Mr. Dadan Darmawan at JAKARTA BARAT
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. Dadan Darmawan at JAKARTA BARAT
Jl.H. Merin No. 1B, Meruya Selatan -Kembangan
JAKARTA BARAT 11650, Jakarta
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gps tracking

gps trackinggps tracking, tracker, fleet management system
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GPS Tracking GEA-01 Fleet Management monitoring system (GSM & GPRS)
Vehicle Location, Tracking & Monitoring ( Real time control the terminal vehicle)
Vehicle Security Management ( Anti-thief, Emergency alarm, remotely shut off oil etc.)
GPS Tracking GPT 02 (Personal Tracker)
GPT-01 & -02 are a small size, high accuracy portable positioning devices with built-in GPS and GSM modules. Based on GPS satellite, it provides accurate position information under....
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