Budget class hotel with 20 rooms, which are divided into 5 RoomRates.
Located 3.6 KiloMeters from the city of Temanggung - Central Java, to the direction of Kedu District ( and Parakan District also) . Also, only 300 Meters from Gas Station.
The situation is attractive natural surroundings of mountains and the fresh mountain air of very beautiful landscape of Mt. Sumbing.
Furthermore, there are Mt. Merbabu and Mt. Merapi in the eastern, although from a distance but it can be well visible.
For those of you who want to spend the holidays in the various tourist attractions in Temanggung, ie: Pikatan WaterPark, Jumprit Water Resource, Kledung Pass, etc. And from a distance of just 25 km from/ to Magelang, about 1 hour road trips to/ from Wonosobo, Hotel Dirgantara could become an alternative for your family to spend the night.
Check-Out: 12.00 ( noon)
OverTime will be charged when Check Out.