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Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
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    Phalsa ( Grewia asiatica L., Tiliaceae) is an exotic bush plant considered horticulturally as a small fruit crop but also used as a folk medicine. The ripe phalsa fruits are consumed fresh, in desserts, or processed into refreshing fruit and soft drinks enjoyed during hot summer months in India. However, phalsa fruit has a short shelf life and is considered suitable only for local marketing.

    The fruit is astringent and stomachic. Morton ( 1987) reported that when unripe, phalsa fruit alleviates inflammation and is administered in respiratory, cardiac, and blood disorders, as well as in fever reduction. Furthermore, an infusion of the bark is given as a demulcent, febrifuge, and treatment for diarrhea. The root bark is employed in treating rheumatism. The leaves are applied on skin eruptions and they are known to have antibiotic action.

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