Specification :
The detail information of this product, please review our website-----www.ht5158.com or email us to---haitongpower@ gmail.com.
Accessory unit
1. Inflatable boom of every 200m is stored in a hydraulic winch or inside a container of oil containment boom with a hydraulic winch;
2. Each inflatable boom is equipped with a power station and an aspirator at least;
3. The cleaning device is at users’ choice.
Hydraulic winch and container of oil boom
Hydraulic winch in oil boom or that fixed inside container is supplied. Doors in each side of container facilitate operation.
Power station
Motor or diesel engine of power station generates hydraulic power for winch.
Aspirator unit
Aspirator is powered to aspiration by motor or diesel when place or recover oil boom.
Cleaning device
The cleaning device is composed by auxiliary winch, high-pressure washer with hot water and cleaning tank. And it is used with winch and power station to clean polluted oil containment boom.