Hernia, or better known as the hernia, is a disease caused by the decline over the weakening of the scrotal muscle layer of the abdominal wall. Patients with hernias, are mostly men, especially children. Most sufferers will feel the pain, if there is infection in it, for example, if the children of sufferers is too active.
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Derived from the Latin, herniae, namely the prominence of the contents of a cavity through a thin connective tissue that is weak in the wall cavity. The weak cavity wall to form a pocket with a door in the form of a ring. These disorders often occur in the abdominal area with content that comes out of part of the intestine.
A hernia that occurs in children, is due to less perfect procesus vaginalis to close along with the decrease in testicular or scrotal. While in adults, because of the high pressure in the abdominal cavity and due to aging that causes muscle weakness of the abdominal wall.
Hernia disease suffered by people living in urban areas, which in fact is full of activity and bustle in which these activities require high stamina. If your stamina is not good and continues to be forced then, the disease will soon menghinggapinya hernia.
Based on the occurrence, hernia divided into:
* Congenital hernia ( congenital)
* Hernia obtained ( akuisita)
Based on its location, the hernia is divided into
* Diaphragmatic hernia is the prominence of abdominal organs into the chest cavity through a hole in the diaphragm ( septum which limits the chest cavity and abdominal cavity) .
* Inguinal
* Umbilical ie bumps that go through the ring umbilicus ( navel)
* Femoral ie a lump in the groin through the femoral ring.
Meanwhile, according to its nature, there is a hernia
* Reponibel; when the contents of the hernia can be in and out.
* Hernia irreponibel; when the contents of the hernia sac can not be returned into the cavity
* Hernia accreta; if no complaint of pain or signs of intestinal obstruction due to the attachment.
A hernia is a protrusion of the contents protusi or abdominal cavity through a defect or a weakening membrane of the stomach wall. Hernia could be due to congenital or acquired factors. In general, we know with a hernia is downs intestine into the lower abdomen or even to the testes that causes the elevation of pressure inside the abdominal cavity and the accompanying weakening of the abdominal wall muscles.
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Symptoms and clinical signs mostly determined by the state of the contents of the hernia, for example there are bumps in the groin or testicles that appears on standing, coughing, sneezing, lifting weights too heavy or mengendan and will disappear when lying down. Pants hernia " PAD WITH AID hernia" is a conservative therapy as a means of buffering the hernia so as not to increase in size and worse, while the second pillow as a therapeutic buffer amplifier abdominal wall muscles ( automatic reflection) . Pants hernia is designed and made specifically for people with a hernia either before or after surgery. With quality materials and in doing so subtly delicious in use, safe and comfortable and not cause irritation. As a preventive hernia pants are also suitable for use by athletes and hard workers and suitable for people with hernias who have contraindications to surgery or surgery.
Action therapy
Do reposition the contents of the hernia by means Trendelenburg or head position lower than the buttocks and push the hernia contents toward the hernia ring ( above) . Wear Pants hernia " PAD WITH AID Hernia" is to maintain the contents of the hernia that has tereposisi. Use as often as possible hernia pants will keep getting bigger and severe hernia and possible recovery becomes greater.
* Can be used inside or outside the underwear.
* Do not soak or wash, simply wipe using a damp cloth and aerated.
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Overcome with Citrus AURANTIUM Treatment Pills COMPOUND
* Who is able to overcome problems and inflammation of the testicles hernia.
* Cement citri reticulatae.
* Fructus Toosendan.
* Thallus Laminariae.
* Thallus Sargassi.
* Semen persicae.
* Cartex magnoliae officinalis.
* Fruktus Aurantii.
* Radix Aucklandiae.
* Rhizoma corydalis.
* CartexCinnamomi.
* Caulis Akebiae.
How to use:
* Drink 5-8 3X PIL.
* 200PIL.
Manufactured by:
* Foci Pharmacetical Lanzhou Lanzhou China Limited Company
IT POM 004 400 461
* Pants Hernia USD. 325.000, -
* Drug Hernia USD. 175.000, -
Promotion Package Price:
* Pants + Medicine Hernia USD. 450.000, -
YOU MAY speedy recovery