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SMS Member Indomonster SMS 15th Year
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 Sell:Voltage, Current, Power Tranducer, Multi Parameter Tranducer  Sell:Temperature and Humadity Sensor  Sell:Sensor, Tranducer and Accessories 1. Temperature Sensor 2. Temperature and Humadity Sensor 3. CO2, UV Sensor 4. Wind Speed & Direction Sensor 5. Rain Gauge 6. Power Tranducer 7. Solar Energy System Monitoring 8. Level Tranducer 9. Industrial Grade PT 100  Sell:Smart GPRS Data Logger Controller System  Sell:Smart GSM Alarm Receiver System  Sell:GSM Temperature Alarm Monitoring Solution  Sell:Smart Phone Remote Controller and Automation  Sell:Hotel Intelligent Control System  Sell:GSM Power Remote Control  Sell:Environment Condition Monitoring Solution  Sell:Local Automatically Water and Oil Tank Monitoring and Control Solution  Sell:Water and Oil Tank Monitoring and Control Solution  Sell:Smart GSM Panic Alarm Elderly Guarder  Sell:Smart GSM GPRS Remote Snapshot IP Camera  Sell:Smart GSM Controller Telemetry Monitoring Systems  Sell:Smart SCADA GSM GPRS Telemetry Monitoring System  Sell:Smart Healthcare Management System  Sell:Smart 3G Mobile Camera  Sell:Smart GPS Tracker and Tracking Platform System With MVDR  Sell:Smart CDMA Modem Model FECS1000M  Sell:Smart Video Central Monitoring System  Sell:Smart Call Central Monitoring System  Sell:Smart School Central Monitoring System  Sell:Smart Base Station Central Monitoring System  Sell:Smart PLC alarms via SMS  Sell:Smart IP based Security Integrated Software  Sell:Smart Wireless GSM Telemetry System  Sell:Smart Intelligent Power Socket  Sell:Smart GSM Power Switch  Cooperation:Reseller and Partners  Sell:Remote Control, Emergency Button, Wireless PIR Motion Sensor, Wireless Curtain PIR Motion Sensor, wireless Ceiling PIR Motion Sensor, Wire PIR Motion Sensor, Wireless Door Contact Sensor, Wireless Scroll Door Contact Sensor, Wireless Vibration Sensor, Wir  Sell:Smart SMS Alarm With GPRS Management System  Sell:Smart Telemetry GSM Alarm Management System  Sell:Smart SCADA GSM Monitoring System  Sell:Smart SCADA Alarm Systems  Sell:Smart GSM Temperature Alarm Monitoring System  Sell:Smart SMS Alarm With GPS Management System  Sell:Smart GPS Tracker and Tracking Platform System  Sell:Smart Alarm GSM MONITORING Management Software  Sell:Smart Intellegent alarm DVR  Sell:Smart GSM Alarm and FWT System  Sell:Smart GSM Alarm System  Sell:Smart GSM Gate Garage Door Opener  Sell:Smart GSM GPRS DTU Data Logger System  Sell:Smart GSM RTU System  Sell:Smart GSM Controller Alarm System  Sell:Smart GSM Telemetry Systems ( Model RTU5010FECS)  Products Catalog:Smart SMS Alarm Messenger System ( Model SMS BASIC)  Sell:Smart SMS Alarm Messenger System  Sell:Smart Environment Electrical Data Monitoring and Burglar Alarm System  Sell:Smart Temperature & Humidity SMS Alert Controller System  Sell:Smart Multipoint SMS Alert Controller System  Products Catalog:Smart GSM Alarm Messenger SMS Electric Power Monitor System  Products Catalog:Smart GSM Alarm Messenger System SMS Pro SX( Temperature & Humidity Sensor)  Products Catalog:Smart GSM Alarm Messenger System SMS Pro ST ( 2 x Temperature Sensors)  Products Catalog:Smart SMS Alarm Messenger System ( Model SMS Pro X)  Cooperation:Proposal Kerjasama Operasi dan Perawatan System  Sell:Smart GSM POWER FACILITY ALARM SYSTEM 
Contact Information

Mr. odang surya [Director/CEO/General Manager]


Instant Messaging:

Windows Live: odang.surya@hotmail.co.id odang.surya@hotmail.co.id
Y!: odang_sry@yahoo.com 
Phone Number:

Phone number of Mr. odang surya at Bekasi

Mobile Number:

Mobile number of Mr. odang surya at Bekasi

Fax Number:

Fax number of Mr. odang surya at Bekasi


Villa Mutiara Gading Blok F5/9A
Bekasi 17215, Jawa Barat

Valid Address

info@ fecsolution.com
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Fecsolution was founded in 2008, which is a ministry services and consulting company specializing in information and communication technology ( ICT) , while the system or application that we developed is based on the Research and Development and analysis of needs ( Based on the needs of the client / consumer) , we continue to create and innovate to develop appropriate technologies. at a very young age one of the results and work of our innovation in the early incorporation into the ICT Award 2008 nominees and semifianalis ICT Award 2010, which is a race copyrighted works of creativity and innovation in information technology and communications nationwide. The event was organized community of information and communication technology in the homeland, with the full support of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics.
The progress of information technology today and the Role of Information Technology in our lives in the future, information technology and telecommunications sector is the most dominant sector. Anyone who mastered this technology, then he will become a leader in the world.

As we developed the systems and applications in the field of Information Technology and Communications, among others:
1. Education ( e-education)
2. In the Government Sector ( e-government)
3. Finance and Banking
4. Program information system development
5. Automation and Controller, Embbeded systems, Electronics and Telecommunications
6. Software Application, Web and Mobile Application Base
7. Services and Trading,
8. IT Consultant, Workshop and Training / Training

So with the very rapid growth of technology in the present and future so we try to answer all the needs in terms of developing appropriate technologies towards the target market and the technology is efficient, then we hereby offer the services and cooperation in terms of needs required by a candidate or client Custumer , The development of integrated systems and services maentenace ( services) , or the need for requests from potential customers.

Backed by professional management and solid and has experienced the development of systems and our experienced programmer and has been implemented and applied in the company - the company both national and multinational scale. We are ready to provide service to its customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Brand: FECS " for better solutions "
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