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Easywell Water Systems Inc.  

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Easywell Water Systems Inc.  
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Easywell Water Systems Inc.  


Easywell Water System Inc. was established in 1986. At the beginning we were contract manufacturer and specialized for producing angle valves. In 1990 the company accomplished a major change to manufacture and sell water filters as well as RO water systems.

Although we are OEM and ODM manufacturer we obtained several NSF and CE certificates and as well as honored by government. Our products were sold for 34 countries.

Easywell company decided to develop and promote our own private brand " " in 2010. At present the products with logo have seen sold for 16 countries.

In order to popularize products and broaden domestic marketing channels rapidly we founded " All-Young Water System Inc. " in early 2012. The regular chain store was opened in New Taipei city. There were 3 franchise stores opened until July 2012. All-young products are sold at 13 distributors including Shinkong Mitsukoshi, Sogo and Far Eastern department stores.

We built a new branding website: www.o-young.com for O-Young company. Being the pioneer of this industry, on website we provide extensive knowledge of drinking water as well as worldwide water analysis data for website users. The data of worldwide water analysis is updating continually.

Should you purchase our products by using logo we will provide both various promotion programs and offer incentive rebate annually. For more information please contact our Sales Department: sales@ easywellwater.com

The History of Easywell
Make it Easy, do it Well, Easywell Water Systems, Inc. was officially founded in June 1986 by Mr. Rodger LIN, a hardworking rural young man of resilience. Before that, Mr. LIN had opened Gao Yin International Ltd., a joint venture with Mr. Nicken Chen, a friend of his and all he dreamed of was making money and having his living improved.

Unfortunately, Mr. Lin dropped out soon for troubled management of the business and spent the following years without a steady job. On invitation of Mr. Lin Hongyao, a younger brother of his, the two went home to develop Easywell Industrial Co., Ltd. which later became known as Easywell Water Systems, Inc.

The company was founded on NT$ 500, 000 and the business purchased second-hand Angle-valve-making machines from Jia Wang Co., Ltd. in Lugang, Zhanghwa. With help rendered by Mr. WANG Yangcun Jia Wang Co., Ltd. of and WANG' s brother, Easywell Industrial Co., Ltd. saw profit in its first month of operation.

Thanks to the good timing and a booming economy Taiwan experienced in the 1980s, while the island was active in export business and the land for the manufacturing plant was provided for free for 4 years by Mr. LIN Jintang, Mr. LIN Dongpo' s uncle, Easywell could be fully dedicated to its business without major concerns.

In 1990, Easywell had its own land of 680 M2 for manufacturing, 2 years later in 1992, the business became confronted with an overwhelming competition waged by the manufacturing industries in Southeast Asian nations and Mainland China and sales of Angle valves withered. As everything seemed doomed the still young business, God reached out to the struggling Easywell, when Mr. Tony Special from Cuno Company in the U.S. invited Mr. LIN for a meeting at the WQA Show in Florida, U.S.A., an event that allowed the opportunity Easywell could not let go â € “ the Angle valve began its application in the household water treatment business and Easywell saw assistance rendered by Mr. Michael Chou from Gentle Wind International Corp.

A few other people helped that years as well. To name a few were Mr. LIU Xiangqi from He Jia Co., Ltd., who served as a counselor on business and management, also was Mr. CAI Fuzhong from Kouw Pinnq Enterprise Co , Ltd., who introduced local accounts on a regular basis and not to forger Mr. GE Changrong from Rotek Water System Co., Ltd. and finally Mr Zeng Ruizhen from AQ & Q Co., Ltd., and Mr.Lin Liyang from Seven Star Ocean. who taught and transferred the RO water purification technology for free, and Mr. Lin Jihui from Hopegood Scientific gave easywell assistance, a step in which made Easywellâ € ™ s business boom.

As the LINs had the desire of expanding their business, in 1992, the brothers had Easywell Industrial Co., Ltd. reorganized into 2 companies and Mr. Lin Dongpo became responsible for the operations of Easywell Water Systems, Inc., while Mr. Lin Hongyao founded Li Jiang Industry Ltd..

As early as in 1993, Easywell had its operation procedures computerized as the company introduced ERP for a full-scale computerization in its business. In 1999, the company was founded in lack of manufacturing capacity and had to ask Mr. Lin Youying, an advisor from China Production Center for a 2-year counseling on flow process in its production line and after that, the company hired Mr. Jang Zengchang as counselor as of this day. Mr. LIN hereby extends his appreciation to all these gentlemen, indicated above, for their assistance to Easywell.

After 11 hardworking years of austerity, Easywell received some credit from Mega Internationalcommercial Bank and bought the land of 7, 600 M2 in 1997, which it owns as of this day. The construction works for the new plant only began in 2000. Easywell believes only in doing what it is capable of doing and does not build new plants or expand its operations on loan. That is why it only expanded its office and manufacturing plant of 5, 450 M2 in 2000.

To be responsible to our customers, suppliers and employees, easywell insists on manufacturing unharmful water purification equipment.When we plan to develop a new product, our first concern is if the new product is unharmful to the human body and the environment. The efficiency and cost will be estimated only after we make sure the reliability of new products. Easywell was established in 1986.Although our growth was not fast in the past 23 years, we still insist on doing business honestly and concentrating on our professional field. We continue investing 3~ 5% of the turnover in R& D and employee training annually. We are confident we will do better and better in the competitive market.

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