Lab Semen[Jan. 7, 2010 20:39:23]
CV DUTA BUANA ABADI is supplier and manufacturer of civil engineering quality control tools such as construction for road, bridge, buildings and dams, especially high quality products for soil quality testing, concrete, asphalt, stones and construction materials which usefull to determine the quality of constructions as it will lenghthen its lifetime, ensure the quality of the construction and reduce the construction cost. Our products are widely used for soil mechanical, asphalt, concrete, mineral and other research related to civil engineering. We also provide distribution of laboratory equipment for construction/ material consultancy and education provider.
57 Air Permeability Of Porland Cement Fineness Device
58 Le Chatelier Flask
59 Time Of Setting Of Hydraulic Cement By Vicat Needle
60 Compressive Strenght Of Hydraulic Cement Mortar
61 Compression Machine For Cement
62 Specific Gravity Of Hydraulic Cement Test