Peralatan Spy, Alat Intai, Alat Intai, ZTE MF58, 3G Mobile CCTV Cam, 3G Camera, Kamera Intai, Nanny Cam, cctv
Empowered by the latest 3G Technology, this Mobile-Cam is capable of receiving Video Phone Calls Automatically.
Users can dial the Mobile-Cam from any 3G Handset supporting video phone calls and view the picture with sound
captured by the Mobile-Cam AnyTime, AnyWhere. The Mobile Cam supports Video Call, but doesn' t support Voice
Untuk Pemesanan Hub.
Telp. : 021 7024 4925
HP : 021 2687 5804
021 7024 5069
E-Mail : csduniaspy2@
YM ID : csduniaspy2/ csduniaspy3
Website :
Alamat : Jl. Raharja No. 09 Lt. 01 No. 03-Pondok Pinang