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Jl. muchtar tabrani, Perum Bintang Metropol Blok A7/16 Bekasi
JAKARTA, Jakarta
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KOEHLER K86200 Automatic Density Meter
[Jun. 4, 2011 3:37:11]
Test Method
Density is a fundamental physical property that can be used in conjunction....
KOEHLER K47150 Diesel Dog Test Kit
[Jun. 4, 2011 3:35:02]
Test Method
A sample of soil is extracted with isopropyl alcohol, and the extract is....
KOEHLER K25525 Soot Levels in Diesel Engine Oils,  Portable Meter
[Jun. 4, 2011 3:32:04]
Test Method
Measures the amount of suspended carbon ( soot) in diesel engine lubricating....
KOEHLER K32100 Oil Insyte In-line Oil Monitoring System
[Jun. 4, 2011 3:28:58]
Features and Benefits
â € ¢ Ensure minimum exhaust emission requirements with two systems....
KOEHLER K320S-200 Remaining Useful Life Evaluation Routine ( RULER® )
[Jun. 4, 2011 3:26:36]
Test Method
The portable Remaining Useful Life Evaluation Routine ( RULERÂ ® ) instrument....
KOEHLER K13200 Petroleum Colorimeter
[Jun. 4, 2011 3:23:27]
Test Method
The ASTM color of petroleum products applies to products having an ASTM....
KOEHLER K13009 Saybolt and Saybolt Wax Chromometers
[Jun. 4, 2011 3:21:25]
Test Method
The Saybolt Color test is used for quality control and product....
KOEHLER K13550 Automated Colorimeter
[Jun. 4, 2011 3:19:21]
K13550 Automated Colorimeter
â € ¢ Touch-screen TFT-Color Display
â € ¢ Automatic cuvette....
KOEHLER K13260 Portable Automated Colorimeter
[Jun. 4, 2011 3:16:23]
K13260 Portable Automated Colorimeter
â € ¢ Measures the 4 most important color scales....
KOEHLER K47000 Autoignition Apparatus
[Jun. 4, 2011 2:20:14]
Test Method
Determines the lowest temperature at which the vapors of a liquid or solid....
KOEHLER K16500 Rapid Flash Closed-Cup Tester
[Jun. 4, 2011 2:18:15]
Test Method
Verifies the flash point or the sustained burning qualities of small samples....
KOEHLER K15600 Tag Open-Cup Flash Tester
[Jun. 4, 2011 2:16:10]
Test Method
For determination of flash and fire points of liquids at temperatures of up....
KOEHLER K13900 Cleveland Open-Cup Flash Tester
[Jun. 4, 2011 2:14:01]
Test Method
For flash and fire points of all petroleum products, except fuel oils and....
KOEHLER K14600 Tag Closed Cup Flash Tester
[Jun. 4, 2011 2:10:22]
Test Method
For flash point determinations of liquids with a viscosity of below 5.5....
KOEHLER K87700/ K87790 Automatic Tag Closed Cup Flash Point Tester
[Jun. 4, 2011 2:06:11]
Test Method
For flash point determinations of liquids with a viscosity of below 5.5....
KOEHLER K87100/ K87190 Automatic Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester
[Jun. 4, 2011 2:02:29]
Test Method
For flash point determinations of fuels, lubricating oils, liquids....
KOEHLER K18100 Grease Worker
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:54:45]
Features and Benefits
â € ¢ Conforms to ASTM D217 and related specifications

â € ¢ ....
KOEHLER K95600 Penetrometer Bath
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:51:30]
Features and Benefits
â € ¢ Conforms to ASTM and related specifications

â € ¢ Conditions....
KOEHLER Penetrometer Cones,  Needles,  and Accessories
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:48:36]
Features and Benefits
â € ¢ Precision machined cones and needles for ASTM and related....
KOEHLER K95500 Digital Penetrometer & Data Acquisition Software
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:44:56]
Test Method
Penetration tests are performed on petroleum products to determine....
KOEHLER K19500 Penetrometer
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:41:11]
Test Method
Penetration tests are performed on petroleum products to determine....
KOEHLER K34010 Viscometer Cleaning and Drying Apparatus
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:37:10]
Features and Benefits
â € ¢ Six tube capacity

â € ¢ For all types of capillary....
KOEHLER K21410 SV3000/ SV4000 Saybolt Viscosity Baths with Automatic Timing Option
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:33:40]
Test Method
Determines the time required for 60mL of sample to flow through a calibrated....
KOEHLER K34715 BV5000 Programmable Brookfield Viscosity Liquid Bath
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:29:32]
Test Method
Determines the low temperature, low shear rate viscosities of gear oils, ....
KOEHLER K34700 BV4000 Brookfield Viscosity Air Bath
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:25:41]
Test Method
Determines the low temperature, low shear rate viscosities of gear oils, ....
KOEHLER K34710 BV3000 Brookfield Viscosity Liquid Bath
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:21:12]
Test Method
Determines the low temperature, low shear rate viscosities of gear oils, ....
KOEHLER K22753 LKV3000/ LKV4000/ LKV5000 Digital Refrigerated Constant Temperature Kinematic Viscosity Baths
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:17:59]
Test Method
Kinematic viscosity is of primary importance in the design and selection of....
KOEHLER KV5000 Kinematic Viscosity Bath
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:13:56]
Koehler KV5000 series kinematic viscosity baths with the optical flow detection system....
KOEHLER HKV3000 and HKV4000 High Temperature Kinematic Viscosity Baths with Integrated Digital Timing
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:13:09]
Test Method
Kinematic viscosity is of primary importance in the design and selection of....
KOEHLER KV3000 and KV4000 Constant Temperature Kinematic Viscosity Baths with Integrated Digital Timing & Data Acquisition Software
[Jun. 4, 2011 1:01:10]
Test Method
Kinematic viscosity is of primary importance in the design and selection of....
KOEHLER Viscometer Holders
[Jun. 4, 2011 0:58:14]
For use with glass capillary viscometers

Ordering Information
Viscometer Type
KOEHLER K38500 Apparent Viscosity of Engine Oils
[Jun. 4, 2011 0:53:08]
Test Method
Determines the measurement of the Yield Stress, Apparent Viscosity and....
KOEHLER K447-BX Dynamic Viscosity by Bold Series Rotational Viscometer
[Jun. 4, 2011 0:46:17]
Test Method
Determines the dynamic viscosity of a substance by the rotation of a....
KOEHLER K447-SX Dynamic Viscosity by Sharp Series Rotational Viscometer
[Jun. 4, 2011 0:41:28]
Test Method
Determines the dynamic viscosity of a substance by the rotation of a....
KOEHLER K447-PX Dynamic Viscosity by Power Series Rotational Viscometer
[Jun. 4, 2011 0:37:43]
Test Method
Determines the dynamic viscosity of a substance by the rotation of a....
KOEHLER K447-MX Dynamic Viscosity by Master Series Rotational Viscometer
[Jun. 4, 2011 0:35:50]
Test Method
Determines the dynamic viscosity of a substance by the rotation of a....
KOEHLER BVS5000 Low Temperature Viscosity by Rotational Viscometer System
[Jun. 4, 2011 0:31:44]
BVS5000 Programmable Brookfield Viscosity
Liquid Bath System

â € ¢ Sample soaking and....
ASSEMBLAD Trolley TOP 2 - for Infragas 196 serie and OPA - HD serie
[Mar. 31, 2011 22:00:39]
Trolley TOP 2 - for Infragas 196 serie and OPA - HD serie

Part Number: 000-001298
ASSEMBLAD Trolley TOP 3 - per Infragas serie 196 + PC
[Mar. 31, 2011 21:57:21]
Trolley TOP 3 - per Infragas serie 196 + PC

Part Number: 000-001295
Trolley with:
ASSEMBLAD Phonometer - HD 2010
[Mar. 31, 2011 21:52:44]
Phonometer - HD 2010

Part Number: 069-200965
Phonometer - Mod. HD2010 MCTC
ASSEMBLAD A/ C Equipment - Climate-207.09 - NB
[Mar. 31, 2011 21:25:39]
A/ C Equipment - Climate-207.09 - NB

Part Number: 692-402072
Gas R134a - Automat.....
ASSEMBLAD A/ C Equipment - Climate-307.09 - NB
[Mar. 31, 2011 21:17:07]
A/ C Equipment - Climate-307.09 - NB

Part Number: 692-403072
Gas R134a - Automat.....
ASSEMBLAD A/ C Equipment - Climate truck-407.09 - NB
[Mar. 31, 2011 21:07:28]
A/ C Equipment - Climate truck-407.09 - NB

Part Number: 692-404070
Gas R134a -....
ASSEMBLAD Universal RPM - RPM- 405
[Mar. 31, 2011 19:50:36]
Universal RPM - RPM- 405

Part Number: 000-001700
Work from battery and with vibration....
ASSEMBLAD Smoke-meter - OPA-391 / HDF
[Mar. 31, 2011 4:12:38]
Smoke-meter - OPA-391 / HDF

Part Number: 000-001286
Partial flow
ASSEMBLAD Smoke-meter - OPA-105.PCB
[Mar. 31, 2011 4:05:53]
Smoke-meter - OPA-105.PCB

Part Number: 000-001854
Partial flow
Automatic calibration....
ASSEMBLAD Smoke-meter - OPA-105 ( Puma)
[Mar. 31, 2011 3:57:26]
Smoke-meter - OPA-105 ( Puma)

Part Number: 000-001852
Partial flow
ASSEMBLAD Gas Analyzer - Infragas-196 SK - Approved for motorcycles
[Mar. 31, 2011 3:51:44]
Gas Analyzer - Infragas-196 SK - Approved for motorcycles

Part Number: 000-001664 ( 4....
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