MINYAK NILAM/ PATCHOULI OIL[Dec. 27, 2011 20:36:42]
We are manufacturer & supplier Patchouli oil from Sumatera - Indonesia.
Patchouli essential oil has traditionally found its uses as a traditional medicine in the East. Patchouli has been used since ancient times by countries such as China, Japan and Malaysia.
Patchouli was also used for scenting clothes and the scent of patchouli is so strong that it can last for up to two weeks. In the nineteenth century patchouli is known to have been used to perfume paisley shawls.
Patchouli has also been used extensively in modern perfumery.
Items Specification Results Remark
Appearance Red brown orgreen brown clear liquid Conforms Visual
Aroma A specific aromagas, spicy, slightly warm. Conforms Visual
Refractiveindex( 20oC) 1.503~ 1.513 1.509
Specific gravity
( 25oC/ 25oC) 0.950~ 0.980 0.968
Patchouli Alcohol( C15H26O) % e30%
Moisture% d2.0 0.35
Heavy meter( AsPb) d10 mg/ kg Conforms
As ( Arsenic) d1 mg/ kg Conforms
Total Bacteria