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Ds. Pekalongan Rt.05/III No.153 Batealit
Jepara 59461, Jawa Tengah

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Lemari Kembang L-21K12


3 doors wardrobe made with grade A teak. Beautiful carving inthe middle. Natural finish with marble and gold accent.
Lemari Pojok L-20K12
Unique design cupboard to be be placed in the corner. It has prism construction to be fit exactly in the corner.
Lemari Gabung L-18K12
Beautiful chest with 2 doors. The glass cover the uppers side of the doors while solid wood cover the bottom.
Lemari Single L-17K12
A chest with a single glass door and three levels inside. You can see the goods clearly through the glasses.
Lemari Kurung L-16K12
Small chest with special designed door. The door consist of glass frames make it outstanding among others.
Lemari Swing L-15K12
Small size chest with special up and down swing to close and open. Does not need a lot of space but give more option.
Lemari Bertingkat L-14K12
Chest with drawers in the bottom and the glass doors in the upper side. Another variation for simple chest.
Lemari Kotak 4-2 L-13K12
Simple design chest with 4 glass doors split by 2 drawers in the middle. Recommended to be placed in the kitchen.
Lemari Display Kotak L-12K12
A unique chest with single glass door. Good for displaying your merchandises or accessories.
Lemari Kotak Serba Guna L-11201012
Simple chest with 2 doors in the bottom section, 3 drawers in the middle and 2 glass doors on the top.
Lemari Mahkota L-10201012
Multi-purpose chest with " crown" on top. It is a handy storage for everyday needs. Place it anywhere, kitchen, bedroom and others.
Lemari Kotak 2 Pintu L-9191012
Simple design chest with 2 glasses doors and 4 drawers. Suitable for any interior and maximize available space.
Lemari Display Lengkung L-8191012
Display chest with rounded side. Special to be placed in the corner. Great for filling an empty space in your room. Available in 2 sizes.
Lemari Geser L-7191012
Sliding door chest with glasses. Large spaces for keeping goods. Also drawers available at the bottom section.
Lemari Display Mini L-6191012
Mini display chest with glasses. Little thing to complete the room decoration yet still has many function.
Lemari Display 2P L-5191012
Display cupboard or chest with glasses. It has 2 doors. Suitable for placing accessories and merchandises. For home, office or indoor use only.
Lemari Display 3T L-4181012
A display cupboard, 3 levels with glass. Small accessories, plates, cups or any merchandises will fit in.
Lemari Berongga L-3181012
Wonderful cupboard with extra room in the middle for multi-purpose. Place it anywhere in your house.
Lemari Layang L-2181012
A cupboard with space between upper and lower level. Great for kitchen.
Lemari Perabot L-1181012
Classic-contemporer multifunctional cupboard. Suitable for kitchen or even living room.
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