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rss RSS: Fuses - Zambia > lusaka
Result 1-7 of 7
Realtek Solutions Limited  Apr. 8, 2013 12:10:12

Computer Sales and Repairs, Ipad Screens, Laptop LCD/ LED Screens,

[Lusaka, lusaka, Zambia]
Ultimate Communications Limited  Feb. 8, 2011 14:23:39

Importer and local supplier of telecommunications equipment

[Lusaka, lusaka, Zambia]
Tekana scales services  Nov. 6, 2010 8:50:22

Tekana scales services is one of the best scale companies in Zambia, offering scale and weighbridge servicing and maintenance.we also supply scales of different types and makes , tekana scales is....

[LUSAKA, lusaka, Zambia]
SHAFTEX Z LTD  Jul. 7, 2010 7:05:21

Enquiry kindly send us a quote for; 1 x TOPCON GPT 7503 Laser Total Station ( Survey Equipment) ANGLE MEASUREMENT Accuracy 3 Method Absolute Reading Minimum Reading 1 ....

[LUSAKA, lusaka, Zambia]
GEMS TRADERS Sprl  Aug. 25, 2009 2:17:27

we gems traders , are in mining of copper cathodes , gold dust , copper Ore and malachite

[lusaka, lusaka, Zambia]
Data and Voice Solutions Limited  Dec. 9, 2008 6:21:42

The company is an IT business related, with clients ranging from the banks, gorvement and ngo. we are based in LUSAKA, ZAMBIA

[Lusaka, lusaka, Zambia]
Direct International Marketing Limited  Feb. 27, 2008 6:49:18

Direct International Marketing Ltd is a supply and Logistcs company working with various Health Institutions and other NGO organisations in Zambia

[Lusaka, lusaka, Zambia]
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