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rss RSS: Inorganic - Oxide - Gambia > banjul
Result 1-5 of 5
gold_ dust  Oct. 22, 2013 17:40:07

Gold dust/ Bar We are engaged in mechanized mining of gold and precious minerals in the West Africa Sub-Region. In view of your correspondence of interest, this is our Full Corporate Offer ( F.C.O....

[banjul, banjul, Gambia]
AFRICALOCALGOLDMINERS  May. 20, 2012 15:01:50

Dear Sir/ madam We are Local Village Gold Miners from Rep. of Guinea, In West African. We are Members of the Said Community and in charge of Marketing, Advertising, communication and sourcing....

[30 slecudea banjul, banjul, Gambia]
newn company  May. 29, 2010 17:03:51

it' s with honour and plaesure i write this message for you.Before all recieve my best greet I am intresting to your products( POP DRINK) so i want know more information about it and your other....

[banjul, banjul, Gambia]
konah trading  May. 1, 2010 17:26:02

we are food importers in the gambia.we import all kind of food

[banjul, banjul, Gambia]
Africell Gambia Ltd.  Dec. 29, 2009 10:20:17

Gambia' s 1st and largest GSM service Operator .

[Banjul, banjul, Gambia]
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