OUR REPRESENTATIVE AT SOUTH SULAWESI/ MAKASSAR for EAST INDONESIA REGIONAL, PLEASE CONTACT : - Hj. Dwi Yuliasih 081 398 276 812 - 085 715 868 129, fax : ( 0411) 864 495.
General Supplier and Contractor which engaged in insulation, painting, fire proofing, scaffolding services, and refractory. Located in Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. We sell and also act as....
KBU Baitul Ilmi is one of the Community .... across 5 provinces namely West Java, DKI Jakarta, Banten, Lampung and Riau. The programs have been implemented include: - Aquaculture: fish ( eel, ....
we buy and sell to local retail market and overseas buyer in Malaysia, we specialized in Copra for johor ( animal feed) and coal for retail market around Jakarta ( Banten and West Java Province) .
PT. KITACO TOTAL INDUSTRY PHONE: 021 4900 7116 Email: kitaco.totalindustry@ gmail.com
Ujung Kulon Ecotour Operator and Travel online Service at Carita Beach Banten Indonesia established in 2001, have a good experienced to provide all tour service to discover Java Island mainly Ujung....
our company are moved on sand quartz silica mining, our location on Banjarsari, Lebak-Banten. we have 40 Ha area location.
Jl.lingkar selatan Km. 1, 7 Ciegon-Banten ( 0254230451) / 083813054212 Email: raharjobudisugeng@ gmail.com
Assalmu' alaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh. We .... the Wali Allah, Surabaya, Gresik, Tuban, Cirebon, Banten, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bali and even to the Global State. Besides, we also accept orders....
All about Lingerie, Babydoll, Sleepwear, Corset & Bustier, Personal Beauty Tools
Kami perusahaan " TOYS and Gift " menawarkan .... 5, ( Pasar Bengkok ) Sudimara Pinang, Tangerang - Banten 2. Jl. Maulana Hasanudin, Sipon - Cipondoh Makmur, Tangerang - Banten....
We are distributor molasses in indonesia.we have ready stock 300matrix ton in month.For you need molasses please contact with me.my product very good for bio ethanol, consentrat, fonry manufactur.
Concrete Block Industry Paving Block, Kansteen, Batako, Grass block, Loster,
PAPER& CONVERTING, WOOD WORKING, ELECTRONIC, CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE, VARNISH UV, EVA, PVAc, Acrylic, Hot Melt, Glue Stick, PU, Water Proofing, Bonding Agent, ETC When it� � � s come to Adhesive and....