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rss RSS: Apparel Stocks - China > Zhejiang : Shaanxi
Result 1-2 of 2Searched the Company List for Shaanxi
HONGYUAN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD  Nov. 3, 2014 20:36:08

HONGYUAN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD build in year 2011, .... truck ZF AISON FAST transmissions and other famous Shaanxi Automobile OEM supporting suppliers.....

[Ningbo, Zhejiang, China]
Delux International Company  Aug. 22, 2014 3:40:15

Delux company is a professional supplier of heavy .... DONGFENG, FOTON trucks, as well as for SINOTRUK, SHAANXI, also for trucks of BEI BEN, FAW and buses for YUTONG, GOLEN DRAGON, HIGER, the first....

[Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China]
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