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rss RSS: Electronic Data Systems - Jordan > jordan
Result 1-4 of 4
south foundation for gas industry  Mar. 24, 2015 7:32:50

for sell gases ( oxygen argon acetylene )

[maan, jordan, Jordan]
zain me  May. 8, 2013 8:41:33

Good day This is to introduce our company named ZAIN ME FOR RECYCLING, the main offices are located in Jordan and our collection sites are located in IRAQ. ZAIN ME FOR RECYCLING is one of ZAIN....

[amman, jordan, Jordan]
Four Seasons Hotel Amman  Jun. 16, 2011 6:49:03

We are 5 stars Hotel based in Jordan and would like to deal with spare part company as a one stop shop for all our kichen and laundry machines.

[Amman, jordan, Jordan]
Qadoumi & Sons  Oct. 11, 2010 4:16:02

we are importing tiles and sanitary from Europe and Far East and have our stores in Jordan for more that 30years.

[Irbid, jordan, Jordan]
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